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seemi iris

Mar 28, 2024
Subject: Appeal for Unban

Dear Administration Team,

My ID is 95679, and my in-game name is Seemi Iris. I was banned due to the Anticheat #1004 while in the middle of an arena match with my friend. I now understand why. My friend and I were shooting rapidly with the revolver because we had just discovered it in the arena.

I received a ban for 9999 days, and it is still ongoing. I would like to explain that I do not cheat. I have a family to take care of, and Grand RP has been a source of great enjoyment for me. I have had the pleasure of meeting many new people.

I am willing to undergo a PC check, although I am not very knowledgeable about it. Cheating is something I find repulsive, and I would never engage in it as it ruins the entire gaming experience. Now that I understand why I was banned, I would like to apologize and assure you that it will not happen again. I sincerely apologize for my ignorance and any inconvenience caused.

The server truly brings me joy, and I hope to be able to enjoy it again soon.

Best regards,

Tom Jackson

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
Sep 3, 2022
Moin, du hast bereits einen aktiven Antrag unter Adminbeschwerden gestellt. .close​
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