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Joey Marsh
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jun 3, 2024
Time of violation

Joey Marsh

Server Administrator
Apr 18, 2023
Lock for Bengali-speaking admin if you have confusion

I didn't pay for any other project I only played in EN-3,
44+ IC Age All my life I was told If the roof is inaccessible by Foot or Lader then you can't plant any solar there it will be counted as UB solar.
Even I see my friends getting Demorgan because of doing that in past.

this is very weird and strange that an international server like Grand RP EN3 over the night change their rules without saying or announcing anything
I would have understood if it was a small community with a small amount of people but this is a big community with a variety of countries player playing on this server!

As you can see in POV I didn't hear any demand
and how the hell some other player will land their helicopter in that roof if they wanna attack their Solar pannel There is no Space to land the helicopter
I would have understood Everything if there was a Helicopter landing pad in the roof there is no helicopter landing pad in that roof !!! how they can land all the helicopters in that roof !!

Planting solar on a Non-accessible roof and then blocking all spaces with Helicopters
so that other family members or Players can not land their helicopters in the roof
and also shooting them without demand It was a Perfect plan !!!
The family whoever did this you guys have my respect🤗

and also please tell me, sir If Planting solar on a Non-accessible roof is allowed
Why I can not Plant my solar in Maze Banks Roof?
Why that Building is an exception?
Is Maze Banks Roof is a OOC place?

Lucky Pluxury

Government, Ballas Curator | Event Curator
Feb 25, 2024

ID 30701 will receive a punishment for RDM

About your Questions, Yes Non-accessible roofs are allowed, Maze is not OOC.
I'm sure any of the admin team would never have said don't plant, we say to leave only if they just come to do nothing
(Edited/note : Solar can be planted by GR 6.18 Still applies)
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