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IMPORTANT Applications for Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

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Aug 11, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Amit kumar
2. Your IRL age : 19
3. Time zone: +4:00
4. Average online per day: 4-5 hours
5. Your Discord: amit_bhai25
6. Your Nickname: amit westerns
7. Your ID: 144177
Additional information
1. Leader of...EMS
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation) 1. I would like to become a leader of EMS because I have past exp and i want to take exp of a specific organization so i can do all EMS work efficiently and I have past exp in EMS. 2. i would like to become leader of EMS so i can hire people who have patent for work and who is not for only money i will take HC/HR while see there activity so all EMS employees are happy with me 3.i want lead the one of the best and so called "back bone of city" EMS so i would can know in other legal org also.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. the employees should talk professional and like a real doctor how the real doctor behave the citizen and talk humble with all citizen and EMS employees
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Aug 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL : muhammad umair
2. Your IRL age : 21
3. Time zone : GMT+5
4. Average online per day : 5 hours
5. Your Discord : anonymous42947
6. Your Nickname : anonymous42947
7. Your ID : 167172

blaze smith33

Sep 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL : Akshat
2. Your IRL age: 16
3. Time zone: 5:30 +
4. Average online per day: 6-7 hours
5. Your Discord: kakashi0634
6. Your Nickname: Blaze smith
7. Your ID: 168775
Additional information
1. Leader of... EMS
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1: I want to experience of being the leader of this organization and i want to make this org best and want to make changes in this organization and i have seen some last terms that no one is taking serious to emergency calls but i will make sure to take serious to emergency calls and i would be very polite and kind to everyone

2 i would make sure to see every logs of every doctor and give them rank in promotion ceromony at every end of the week

3 and to provide all the facilities to the new player

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
ANS: everything should be professional and kindly

and i will make sure that lobby will be filled not empty

i think to recruit more people and deputy and under deputys should be kind and politely thats all

thank you respected doctors

Levi Pluxury

Dec 7, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Abdul Rafay
2. Your IRL age: 19
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:00
4. Average online per day: 5-7 hours
5. Your Discord: levi.pluxury
6. Your Nickname: Levi Pluxury
7. Your ID: 76189
Additional information
1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Service)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

- I wanted to become leader of ems because i have been previously in ems in past terms. My journey has been started from Trainee rank and I put my hard work and efforts on EMS and achieve highest Position DCHR Rank. During a great deal of my time within this organisation I have been involved in the FTO department To help with trainings.

- I feel like i can manage this orgainzation due to my past experiences of other organizations as a leader. I know how i can manage and lead the team to make EMS on top. I will bring my skills into this organization and put my efforts to make active org in city. Being Past experiences I know how to deal with situations and i will make active org in city.

- I am willing to put my hard works and efforts into this organization as a leader and I can guide all my staff how they can improve themselves. I will host regular meeting with all employees and i would like to get their suggestions which things need to improves in EMS. I will try to cover lobbies so civilian can get medical assistance from us at anytime. I would have the opportunity to bring about lasting change and create an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to achieve their best.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

- I will host regular meetings with employees to get their feedbacks which enhance roleplay experience.
- I will manage the bonus system i will make sure who are doing efforts or hardworks they get rewarded.
- I will increase number of members who are experienced in the organization to make active org in city
- I will create friendly environment in my team so the term will run smoothly.

Thanks for Reviewing my application,
Best Regards,
Levi Pluxury

Anu Singh

Sep 6, 2024
Your name IRL: Anu Singh
Your age: 30
Time Zone: GMT +5:30
Average online per day: 08-10 hours
Your Discord: anusingh7393
Your Nickname: Anu Singh
Your ID: 148774

Additional information

1. Leader of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

(List three reasons with explanation)

I have been proudly serving EMS from last 3 terms under phenomenal leaders and deputies. With all the knowledge and expertise that i have gained from them, i will remain committed to ensure a very high level of Medical Service in the city.

2.2 In the previous Temp Term, where almost every employee went inactive for some or the other reasons, i stood by EMS. I even gave up my sleep as i used to work day and night. This dipicts my love and dedication that i have for my organization and i wish to step into the shoes of the leader and be the torchbearer who can set high organizational goals and get them executed with the help of a dedicated team.

2.3 To efficiently run the operations of EMS, a dedicated team of medical professionals is required and i am capable of assembling such group. To boost the spirit of staff members, i can set standards of discipline and mutual respect. I understand the power of teamwork and i believe that with correct guidance we can attain magical milestones. For example, currently the Med stock at PH is more than 20,000 which in itself is a big number as in temp term employees tend to either leave EMS or simply become inactive and where in previous temp term, managing med stock at PH was a big challenge and one day the med stock went zero three times in 24 hours.

2.4 Since i am super active in the organization, i will be available to provide quick solution to all the issues.

I will keep my high commands on reserve to quickly respond to all the state request and state calls. We will give our 100% participation in interaction with state organisations.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organisation?

I will provide proper training to all my employees to be disciplined and humble. Inappropriate behaviour by members of staff can be harmful or offensive to others which can ruin the image of organization, so i will take strict actions against power abuse.

I have noticed that SH remains empty during night. This issue can be solved by hiring extra units for night shift. I have already opened the applications and i have decided to focus on the time zone while hiring new staff. Global recruitment will be held so that EMS can operate during night as well.

3.3 AS Department needs a complete revamp. Below are my planned set of actions that if implemented can align with its vision and strengthen the calls services:
A. Hiring extra units for Calls.
B. Giving them special training so that they can do the best Roleplay.
C. I have already lowered the required percentage of armor strength from 90% to 75% for bodycam requirement as a result of which, uinits are now willing to go on Calls without any fear.
D. I will ask high command in AS Department to continuously keep a track of each and every move of units in the said department and make sure that there is always an unit on Calls.

3.4 I will make Promotion Ceremony more happening so that everyone can work hard to get promoted and have their names called out during the ceremony. Promotions will be granted only to the deserving ones. I won't allow favouritism. Complete transparency will be depicted in all the actions of management. And also, regular events will be hosted to make EMS more engaging.

3.5 I will arrange frequent HC meetings and Employee meetings where all the valuable suggestions from them will be gladly received. I will encourage everyone for maximum involvement. All the management policies will be very much flexible which will be changed as per the need of hour.

Thank you for reviewing my application to all the respected administrators.

Best Regards,
Anu Singh
Temp Chief
EMS | EN 2

Swaraj Dangat

May 5, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Swaraj Dangat

2. Your age: 22

3. Time zone: GMT+5:30

4. Average online per day: 8-10 hours

5. Your Discord: swaraj0440

6. Your Nickname: Swaraj Bhaii

7. Your ID: 46359

Additional information
Leader of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

In my past 6 terms i work with best pioneers Like Viking Shloke, Albert Keane, Hagimaru. In the city of Los Santos from Lab Tech to DCOL . In My RP Life of EMS I am Working IN EMS from long time and i know EMS Superior and i would adore to make EMS more dynamic and Productive

2.2 : For the state calls I will Ensure that everyone in city will be provided with help 24/7

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

A Good Leadership can make an organization better family and Good environment

3.2: My second step will be hosting an event every week for employees so they will enjoy working in organization and more people will join EMS because of activity.

3.3: My Third Step will be to ensure There will always be Good Med Stocks In Labs and PH by ensuring Every Employee To do 10 captchas and 15 Medruns Daily.

3.4 : For the state calls I will make sure that everyone knows how to handle state calls and how to interact with other state organizations and also send more junior units with hc so that they will learn RP situation.

3.5 : I will lay more focus on Calls by recruiting an extra set of crew dedicated for this purpose only and also provide some more bonus so more employees will like to do .

3.6 : I noticed that most of the time EMS night shift lobby empty And I will focus more on night shift by hiring people who will will give their heart and soul to EMS.

Thank you for spending your precious time For Review my application and have a nice day i hope You Consider My Application.

Swaraj Bhaii,




karman narcos

Sep 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL
Karman Singh
2. Your IRL age 19
3. Time zone GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 5 Hour
5. Your Discord legend_karman
6. Your Nickname karman
7. Your ID 102968
Additional information
1. Leader of... Leader of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to be a leader in this organization because of my extensive experience in EMS and my involvement in other important organizations, such as government (GOV), the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD), San Andreas Highway Patrol(SAHP) , National Guard(NG) and of course, EMS. Throughout my time working in these organization, I have gained valuable skills, insights, and a deep understanding of how these organizations operate. I am currently 24 years old, young age, I have dedicated a significant portion of my life to EMS, where I hold the position of Head of Training.

My experience as Head of Training has given me the opportunity to not only grow personally but also contribute meaningfully to the team. I have been able to develop effective training programs, mentor new recruits, and ensure that our EMS team operates at the highest standard. I am proud of the work I’ve done so far, but I also have a vision for the future, with numerous plans to improve EMS operations, training protocols, and overall team efficiency.

If you give me the opportunity to lead, I am confident that I can take EMS to the next level. I am ready to work hard and implement the necessary changes that will lead to improved service, better teamwork, and greater public trust. My dedication to the job is unwavering, and I promise that if I am given the chance to lead, you will not be disappointed. I will do everything in my power to live up to the responsibility and exceed the expectations placed upon me.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1 Ensuring Lobby Cover

I will prioritize ensuring that both PH and Sh lobbies are full at all times. To achieve this, My plan to assign employees based on specific locations and ranks when promotion celemony come. For example, when promoting celemony , I will inform them that they are appointed as a High Command(SH) doctor at Sandy Shores or as a (PH) doctor at Pillbox Hill. This targeted assignment will ensure that both locations have Employees avoiding any gaps in service.

3.2 Addressing Night Shift
One of the more challenging of EMS work is the night shift, where is mostly staff is not available. While we already hire night shift employees, I will ensure that Employee their your first priority is covering the (PH) in night hours. By making this shift their top priority, we will have better coverage during critical hours from 22:00 to 07:00 IC, which will help keep lobbies fully staffed and reduce response times during the night.

3.3 Handling whole departments
I believe in improvement for EMS would be the creation of departments, such as a Medical Department (MD), Ambulance Services (AS), and a Labs Department. By opening applications for these specific divisions, we can ensure that every lobby, call unit, and lab unit has the necessary staff. This change will address shortages in different departments, improve the department of resources EMS as a whole.

Thank you for Seen my application

Karman Narcos
EX-HOT(Head of Training)
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