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Reviewed Ticket mute / 2 Warns | Mason Xozis / Marc Hollins

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Hujbol King
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Mason Xozis Marc Hollins
Jun 10, 2022
https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/120843/ / https://prnt.sc/VjGTPAeGUpGS / https://prnt.sc/_5OOJiQxCPz1

Yosh Doobie

Oct 20, 2021
Dear Mazhor,

on the 09.06.2022 at 21:08 o`clock i got warned and jailed for G.Z. 1.1 from Denis Krause, after that, one of the Persons there did a Ticket in the Forum with the same Situation and i got warned a 2nd time from Marc Hollins.

I wanted to tell that to Marc Hollins in the IC Ticket System if he could remove the 2nd Warn because it was the same Situation, he told me that he did the Warn in the Name of Luis Hernandez the Admin who edited the Ticket in the Forum and i should talk to him.

Because i am a former Senior Admin from DE 03 and i know they have logs to check the punishments, i told him to Check their Logs and they would see it.
Here Mason Xozis wrote then i should do a complaint in the Forum against the Admins an stop write and after that he Ticket muted me for 2 hours.

In my eyes, admins can do mistakes, just they have to accept their mistake if you write it to them, but such behave from an Senior Admin like Mason Xozis is inacceptable.

I just hope from an unwarn for the 2nd warn and nothing more.


Hujbol King / TheCooXii

to be safe here are a second time the proofs:
Approved - RDM | ID: 11247 & 17111 / Screenshot / Screenshot

Vincent Xozis

Sep 28, 2021
Hello Yosh,

you got muted in ticketsystem for a good reason, it is not acceptable how you wrote your tickets to admins.
Is it not about insulting but the way you need to talk is connected with respect and you need to be respectful in ticket system.

Indeed they are not wrong, you have to talk to the admin who punished / told other admin to punish you about the punishment to make sure to clarify everything and achieve justice.
Anyways if they think they did everything correct following step is necessary and correct to tell you:

5.3 Insulting the administration is strictly prohibited. Complaint is the best way to achieve justice. | Otherwise - ban 7 days

This rule is showing you to complain about it and achieve justice in the correct way.

even though your punishment can be seen in the logs but in your case there are three open cases about killing in greenzone.
The first case was not a punishment it was seen live by the administrator so there is no casenumber.
Only administrator knows what situation caused this warn and clarifying it with him could lead to unwarn.

Waiting for curator of the project

Yosh Doobie

Oct 20, 2021
Dear Vincent,

as far as i remember this is the only Punishment i got for G.Z. 1.1 in a very long Time, i just rember a 2nd time more then a month ago.
It is indeed true if you write with an Admin u have to behave, but in this Case, yes it was kinda Ticket Spam , but i didnt insult any Admins, not even TicketSpam because i just answered the Tickets the Admins wrote to me and i also dont think that it isnt inacceptable how i wrote , only just one thing and it was : ``alter`` (translated like : dude).
U urself even write above that i didnt insult the admins, i just could wrote ``with more repsect``

So because i didnt insult, i was just asking to remove the 2nd warn i wouldnt say that this rule :

5.3 Insulting the administration is strictly prohibited. Complaint is the best way to achieve justice. | Otherwise - ban 7 days

wouldnt grab in this Case.

Just to clarify things.

Still wish u a great day

Waiting for curator of the project
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Curator of the project
Curator of the project
Apr 28, 2021
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