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Search results

  1. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected Louie Brown / ID 1299 / Personal Bio.

    Name: Louie Brown Gender: Male Age: 41 Race: Somali/Pantone, 322 1c Nationaly: Norway Place of Birth: Oslo/Norway Sexuality: Straight Weight: 300lbs Height: 5.2 feet Eye color: Brown Hair color: Black Tattoos: None Strengths: Really strong 300lbs with 2% bodyfat naturaly no steroids aswell as...
  2. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected Cosa Nostra / Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: Cosa Nostra Founder: Louie Brown ID 1299 Family House Number: 736 Family Owner Forum Profile: Louie TopG (www. members/60663) Family Owner Discord: F4REAL#9872 Family Logo: Family History: Cosa Nostra was founder in Stovner bydel, Oslo/Norway, by Abdi Hassan who`s half Somali &...
  3. Abdi Hassan

    Approved mercy killing & fail rp & fear rp l 326

    Also you picked up my gun while someone was shooting at you and you where holding out your gun when pulling it out that is PG
  4. Abdi Hassan

    Approved mercy killing & fail rp & fear rp l 326

    Also i don`t understand the reason you are saying i mercy killed, fail rp-ed and etc. when i didn`t do anything except shooting you. What i say we do is that you say sorry to me and close the thread becouse you where "Robbing without being in same gang or family/ unoffical org, You where talking...
  5. Abdi Hassan

    Approved mercy killing & fail rp & fear rp l 326

    You also was talking another Language in a rp situation in your clip which is agianst server rules.
  6. Abdi Hassan

    Approved mercy killing & fail rp & fear rp l 326

    I don`t know the other guy who shot you but after i was killed but on my screen it looked like you didn`t hold a gun or weapon so i though i could kill you ( as it says in general rules ) And i will try to find my POV of it if i have becouse its a "Visual glitch". Also i want to add on that your...
  7. Abdi Hassan

    Approved Forum got approved but didn`t remove the punishment / Lebron pluxury

    My Forum got approved and still didn`t remove my warning.
  8. Abdi Hassan

    Approved Wrongful decision / Lebron Pluxury

    can you also change it to (For the curator of the project) please
  9. Abdi Hassan

    Approved Wrongful decision / Lebron Pluxury

    I got Warned for "CL" when my game crashed i showed proof and he still Rejected my thread, i would like someone else to review the post and remove my warn.
  10. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected General rule 6.2 (Combat Log) / Draven Pluxury

    My computer is shit my game crashed when he searched me it wasn`t a combat log. hope you guys can take my warn away and get me out of jail.
  11. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected GR 6.15 / Jackson Eclipse

    I Gave him a demand i said exactly "3, 2.. leave you have 3 seconds left, 3 2 1" Then started shooting it was 5 seconds sorry for saying it wrong but i ment he had 3 seconds more after the becouse i already had counted down.
  12. Abdi Hassan

    Rejected FIB Mass-Rule break. ID 5592, 28857 & 2479

    Chase I was also chasing them here is my pov
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