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  1. B

    Rejected unban appeal

    Been banned for about 70 days and I want to say I am banned for the past
  2. B

    Rejected unban appeal

    I would like to request my ban appeal on my main account ID 159. I did something wrong with my twink but I never did anything with my main account. I never used cheats or softaware on this account i only did something wrong with my twink. I explained to Elon that I am sorry for my past and I...
  3. B

    Rejected forum unban per elon

    Il mio forum account si chiamava Prada Uchiha
  4. B

    Rejected forum unban per elon

    Buon pomeriggio Elon, Mi scuso per aver fatto la candidatura di amministratore. Non trollerò più. Potresti per favore sbloccare il mio account
  5. B

    Rejected Blacklist Appeal

    Hey Mazhor, hope your doing good today. I got blacklisted in the Italian server for impersonating chief admin and also multi-account. All I can say is that what I did was stupid and there is nothing to defend my actions. I did a forum to Elon explaining how much I want to get unbanned and that I...
  6. B

    Rejected Unban appeal ID 31

    Hi Mazhor, I would like to truly apologize for what I have done in this server. As you know, about 3 months ago I did mass rule breaks in one day which was shooting in HQ, combat log and killing medics in greenzone. I truly apologize for what I have done and I wont do that mistake again.
  7. B

    Rejected Forum contro Campo Fischbach

    Ciao, come puoi vedere, oggi ho creato un forum per Mazhor riguardo per il mio unban. Ho visto centinaia di forum per il "curator of the project" ma non ho mai visto un normale amministratore interromperlo. Eppure ora vedo Campo dire la sua opinione in un forum per MAZHOR. L'amministratore capo...
  8. B

    Rejected Unban/ ID 8250 and 3107

    Hello Mazhor, I was told by chief admin to translate everything i said in the previous forum here for you as I was informed only you can unban people. I heard Meow Meow said that anyone who has been permanently banned for anything other than cheats can make an appeal. I'm just asking for a unban...
  9. B

    Rejected Unban per multi-account/ID 8250

    Dopo che Mazhor ha bannato l'ID 159 non ho mai usato quell'account. Ho quindi iniziato a ricevere oggetti Grand Coin con gli altri account. Quindi, ad essere onesto, non mi interessa molto l'ID 159. E riguardo se il mio comportamento cambierà. Posso assicurare che è cambiato. Sono in questa...
  10. B

    Rejected Unban per multi-account/ID 8250

    Vorrei innanzitutto iniziare a ringraziarvi per avermi dato la possibilità di spiegarmi. Principalmente, volevo che l'ID 3107 e l'ID 8250 vengono sbloccati.Ma capisco quello che ho fatto di sbagliato, che è stato usare cheats, e rispetto il fatto che avrei dovuto essere punito per questo. Ecco...
  11. B

    Rejected Unban per multi-account/ID 8250

    Ho sentito che Meow Meow ha detto che tutti che sono stati bannati permanente per qualsiasi cosa a parte i cheat, possono fare un forum per il sban. Sto semplicemente chiedendo un sban per il motivo multi account.
  12. B

    Rejected Unban for multi-account/ ID 8250

    I heard that Meow Meow said everyone who got perm banned for anything aside from cheats, can do an unban appeal. I'm simply asking for an unban for the multi account reason.
  13. B

    Approved Rivalutazione threads/77630/. /estel green

    Elon bro you wanna play Among Us?
  14. B

    Rejected Banned for 1.4 genral rules / Elon

    I can also show you the people i play with in EN
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    Rejected Banned for 1.4 genral rules / Elon

    And if you dont believe my mic doesnt work then I can show you all my 20+ POVS of me playing the server. I have never talked. Ever
  16. B

    Rejected Banned for 1.4 genral rules / Elon

    Hi there Elon, after the conversation we had and getting a ban. My brother has contacted you in discord and you told him to make a forum. So here I am. So basically Im pradas little brother and ive been playing english for a while. My bro has been playing italian and so have my friends from EN...
  17. B

    Approved complaints regarding italian admins for mazhor

    Who asked you to talk bro. Literally no one. Your not involved but you butt in. Stop being a fan. Its embarassing
  18. B

    Approved complaints regarding italian admins for mazhor

    Hello Mazhor, Admins have threatened people getting banned because they speak English. I dont need to explain myself for that. They dont know rules One admin threatened cupido of getting perm banned because he made a twink account Then admin tells cupido that he is sick and tired of marabunta...
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