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Search results

  1. Edyta Pluxury

    Approved DM | ID 74114

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report. -Player ID 74114 will receive punishment for RDM.
  2. Edyta Pluxury

    Approved DM | ID 74114

  3. Edyta Pluxury

    Approved Rule break 6.5 | ID 72007, 63809

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to ACCEPT this report. -ID 72077 will receive punishment for breaking General Rule 6.5. -ID 63809 will receive punishment for breaking General Rule 6.5.
  4. Edyta Pluxury

    Rejected RDM | ID: 44355

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Reject this report. -Person don't have to give u demands if they have RP reason to shoot at you. -From his perspective it looked like u were trying to block his car. -ID 44355 will receive mute for big insults.
  5. Edyta Pluxury

    Rejected RDM | ID: 44355

  6. Edyta Pluxury

    Rejected Players power gaming in battleship event - ID: 0000 (unknown)

    -Before I even begin reviewing this report. Please correct your title. -Please provide longer POV[more than 1 minute]. -U have 12 hours to do so.
  7. Edyta Pluxury

    Rejected far RP I 40556

    I cant conclude this report . Please provide longer POV [more than 1 minute] In POV I need to see kill moment and what was happening before that. U have 12 hours to do the same.
  8. Edyta Pluxury

    Rejected far RP I 40556

  9. Edyta Pluxury

    Rejected Failrp, Shooting in city without roleplay / SAHP

    After I saw evidence and other POV's I will REJECT this thread. -You were cop baiting them.
  10. Edyta Pluxury

    Approved RP2win ,FAIL RP, MG I FiB, LSPD

    Žalba prihvacena. FIB je dobio warn za krsenje 6.1 generalnog pravila
  11. Edyta Pluxury

    Rejected Biografija | FIB | Milos Benzinac

    Biografija PRIHVACENA.
  12. Edyta Pluxury

    Approved MASS RULE BREAK | ID 7949

    Prije nego zakljucim zalbu zahtjevam video snimak pretresa gepeka (od osobe koja je pretresala).
  13. Edyta Pluxury

    Approved MASS RULE BREAK | ID 7949

    Pregled zalbe u toku...
  14. Edyta Pluxury

    Rejected UDARANJE KOLIMA + MG : id 4237, 7056

    ID 7056 je blokiran zbog 6.12 generalnog pravila.
  15. Edyta Pluxury

    Rejected LTA + MG + UDARANJE KOLIMA + FEAR RP : id 6930, 8019

    ID 6930 je vec kaznjen kao sto se vidi u video-u.
  16. Edyta Pluxury

    Rejected UDARANJE KOLIMA + MG : id 4237, 7056

    Pregled zalbe u toku.
  17. Edyta Pluxury

    Rejected UDARANJE KOLIMA + MG : id 4237, 7056

    Prije nego pregledam zalbu zamolila bih da popravite naslov imate 4 sata da uradite isto.
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