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  1. H

    Approved CL | ID 72826

  2. H

    Rejected RDM and Car Theft in GZ |0000

    I explained why, I was having a private and personal conversation with my wife. This is actually absurd. Absolute BS.
  3. H

    Rejected RDM and Car Theft in GZ |0000

    but you can clearly see from my video that i was afk in beachmarket and never left. then i end up in hospital. And ive provided the screenshot to even show who stole my vehicle and you say nothing can be done? that doesnt seem right. Why have server rules if you dont enforce them. GZ is meant to...
  4. H

    Rejected RDM and Car Theft in GZ |0000

    Did you even read what i put above? Also i have just got the car stolen screen from earlier. the thief was Flashing Galaxxy. You can clearly see from POV where i was when stolen. action should be taken. https://postimg.cc/ZvR8kBVV
  5. H

    Rejected RDM and Car Theft in GZ |0000

    Hello, Now this is going to be a hard one to work out. I was AFK in BeachMarket GZ as per the POV shows. I went onto web browser to do somethings. I come back to game screen and im in hospital and my car has been stolen. You will see from the POV where I left myself and where i found myself...
  6. H

    Rejected Deejaywale Babu | XXX

    got to love a forum warrior
  7. H

    Rejected Mass Rule Break | Bloods

    whats most amusing about all this is that he was silly enough to just stand in the open and that he was actually killed by USSS. GG.
  8. H

    Approved RDM | 70281

    As per POV. I was flying around the neighbourhood, saw a group. watched them a bit. they then gave an order and didnt give me time to comply. not that i needed to. it was just their house i guess. no robbery or anything.
  9. H

    Approved UB Driving/Fail RP/PG/Corruption without BIO | 87630

    how long can this stay "on consideration" before its actually considered and actioned?
  10. H

    Rejected CR | 76746 / 61317

    as per POV. deliberately rammed a Heli, then deliberately rammed into me while they were on wrong side of road.
  11. H

    Approved UB Driving/Fail RP/PG/Corruption without BIO | 87630

    as per POV. UB Driving at beginning. Fail RP driving away and not reviving me (LEO/GOV requirement) PG - Using PDA with Tazer Out (wasn't a glitch as he put tazer away after) PG - cuffed from the front with back to me. Took ID later and didn't give me a chance to provide Passport (shortly before...
  12. H

    Approved RDM | 95621/59675

    As per POV. also please note there is quite a few reports from other people about these two idiots on these forums. so please take that into account when punishing. this is second time they killed me and the last time they were spitting at me, but I didn't have cam on at time sadly.
  13. H

    Rejected RDM | 82973

    as per Bodycam
  14. H

    Reviewed please remove

    please delete. thanks
  15. H

    Reviewed please remove

    please remove.
  16. H

    Rejected Fail RP, Rules of State 1.8, Rules of State 1.14 | 4583

    What part of his BIO protects him from failure to comply/identify while in Prison, Failing to Process a 10-15 and then fleeing the scene? just so i know...
  17. H

    Approved RDM | 91128

    All in POV.
  18. H

    Approved GZ 1.1 + Rules for Leaders 2.3 | 52225

    I would like to consider this IC however the level of toxicity that has been going on and unfair treatment towards me has left me no choice but to file this report here. This matter has been growing for around a week or so and further evidence can be provided should it be required. He has made...
  19. H

    Rejected Massive rule breaking of NG, USSS, FIB. Rule 4.1For NG, law broken by all these organizations is 1.14 general rules for the country

    You deliberately hid, deliberately avoided law enforcement for some time then cried about how long you were in cuffs. If you’d have stayed put, you would of been picked up.
  20. H

    Rejected Massive rule breaking of NG, USSS, FIB. Rule 4.1For NG, law broken by all these organizations is 1.14 general rules for the country

    Nice meta gaming at 09:33 timestamp. Also you hid and then complained no one processed you and bounced it to forums? Crappy behaviour. Trying to have someone punished because you went walk about and hid after saying you would stay right there. The only real rule break I see is the lone NG dude.
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