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Search results

  1. Ankush_Singh

    Rejected RDM| 5808

    all in pov
  2. Ankush_Singh

    Rejected Leader of EMS | Adonis Oberoi

  3. Ankush_Singh

    Rejected EMS Corrupt Bio | Ankush Singh | 22635

    Organization: EMS Name: Ankush Singh Gender: male Age: 17 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: Delhi Sexuality: male Eye color: Black Hair color: Black Tattoos: none Strengths: Transcendence, Knowledge Weakness: Lack of Patience Life Story: I was born in Delhi...
  4. Ankush_Singh

    Approved RDM | 27288

  5. Ankush_Singh

    Rejected RDM | 27288

  6. Ankush_Singh

    Rejected EMS Corrupt Bio | Ankush Singh | 22635

    Organization: EMS Name: Ankush Singh Gender: male Age: 17 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: Delhi Sexuality: male Eye color: Black Hair color: Black Tattoos: none Strengths: Transcendence, Knowledge Weakness: Lack of Patience Life Story: I was born in Delhi...
  7. Ankush_Singh

    Approved Killing EMS on Duty | 13355

    1.Do you know the meaning of killing EMS on Duty? https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMzI2ZjQ1YzZmMjkwNjFkZWJkYzIwMzgyMmYxMjRkMTcyNTlmYzAyYiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZzX2dpZklkJmN0PWc/DX2SJZf7rOsYMk04lH/giphy.gif
  8. Ankush_Singh

    Rejected GEN 6.5 |33213

    i am a employee of ems and i am o duty at PH in uniform and one officer came to me and kill me in greenzone in PH that preson ID is 33213 and this is proof:-
  9. Ankush_Singh

    Approved RDM| 32130

    RDM, he killed me without warning
  10. Ankush_Singh

    Rejected RDM| 4860

    RDM, he killed me without warning
  11. Ankush_Singh

    Rejected RDM| 22753

    RDM, he killed me without warning
  12. Ankush_Singh

    Approved RDM| 3027

    RDM, he killed me without warning
  13. Ankush_Singh

    Rejected Power Gaming | 28441

    all in pov
  14. Ankush_Singh

    Approved RDM+ Fail RP| 29853

    RDM, he killed me without warning all in pov
  15. Ankush_Singh

    Approved RDM| 57

    RDM, he killed me without warning
  16. Ankush_Singh

    Rejected RDM +Gen Rule 3.1+3.2 | 57

    RDM, he killed me without warning
  17. Ankush_Singh

    Reviewed Gen Rule3.2 | 29950

    all in pov
  18. Ankush_Singh

    Reviewed RDM | 26416

    RDM, he killed me without warning
  19. Ankush_Singh

    Approved RDM | 4562

    RDM, he killed me without warning
  20. Ankush_Singh

    Approved Gen Rule 3.1+3.2 | 31124

    all in pov
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