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  1. A

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.17 | Teja Chowdary

    Current ban update is scheduled for 13 more days. I received my ban seconds prior to completing a renewal in city. Could you please consider a money wipe for more immediate resolution of this ban ?
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    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.17 | Tomi Meller

    Recent 30 day ban issued. PC check completed. Tomi Meller advised to switch POV recording application. I am NOT using OBS. However, somehow my typically accepted POV recording application captures most of the audio, but very brief seconds of audio were unexpectedly not captured. Can you please...
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    Reviewed Under Investigation | Nik Payne

    My account was just recently blocked for 30 days, without notification and while I was AFK standing inside my in-city house. May I know the reason of this ban, Lebron?
  4. A

    Reviewed bug abuse | 4075

    It is customary to be prepared during the countdown, per testing the throttle. Typically the bike remains at a stand still, until the countdown stops. Today's results were as unexpected for me too ! I am uncertain why this variation occurred. I did nothing different than another time of this...
  5. A

    Rejected Rule-break no demands given | ID 105528

    Your accusation is unfounded. Besides that, why redirect and confuse the topic ? Whether I use Gamer Bar or graphics card recorder matters little to this original topic. Either way, it is not OBS, but you remain redirecting and confusing the original topic.
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    Rejected Rule-break no demands given | ID 105528

    OK Del Federal. Updated title per request.
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    Rejected Rule-break no demands given | ID 105528

    For example: If you would have said leave the area, but i would like to learn how to pilot a helicopter with as much grace as you... See ? The conversation would have led to a phenomenal RP experience. I would have gladly provided flight lessons, after leaving the area.
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    Rejected Rule-break no demands given | ID 105528

    "... you know the situation bro..." I know i was being careful with my aircraft to avoid escalating conflict. I was there for the RP experience. Who know what happens next? I sure didn't know, because no conversation was had within city limits! Providing demands would have resolved everything.
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    Rejected Rule-break no demands given | ID 105528

    Attempting to be present, but also not crash into other vehicles, I carefully positioned my aircraft for the yellow parachute. Upon the additional vehicle approaching, and then RDM'd the person who chose to be on foot, I slightly increased altitude to avoid any RDM. No demands were given upon...
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    Reviewed RDM id 41893 Req to close

    i wanna close this report and no further consideration to this post
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    Reviewed RDM id 41893 Req to close

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    Reviewed RDM id 41893 Req to close

    I was assuming the shooting would stop, since i was a bystander and clearly without any weapon. I was attempting to be close enough to warn. Only way to be close enough would be to run, which would appear aggressive and the running would possibly be reason to shoot in defense. So instead i...
  13. A

    Reviewed RDM id 41893 Req to close

    I heard shots fired in the city, just outside the Capital's premise. As I decreased my altitude to get visuals on the noise, sure enough I witnessed shooting in the city. I got out of my aircraft to tell the shooter (id 41893) to stop, but wasn't able to soon enough before getting shot myself...
  14. A

    Approved Car ramming | 72826

    Got ran over and vehicle continued to drive through an occupied greenhouse on Farm #2 property.
  15. A

    Approved Provoking and car ramming on farm property | 75569

    Aggressively driving vehicle on farm property, while provoking and car ramming. Person did not cease and desist, although politely requested to leave the unscripted green grass area of Farm #2.
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    Rejected Candy killer 80572

    The content I have supplied is likely the most relevant to this situation that I have available.
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    Rejected Candy killer 80572

    OH! Thankyou for saying this, Jonny Willson. Well, the person that shot me had first landed their Buzzard helicopter above the hill from me and the other person at the scene. We were just standing around awaiting the candy box to fall, up until then. As i was attempting to type a comment...
  18. A

    Rejected Candy killer 80572

    Please re-announce the rules of no weapons to be used at candy drops. Perhaps many people do not know this? If this person does this action again to me at a Candy drop, I will be seeking a punishable action at that time. But first time might have been in ignorance, simply didn't know any better.
  19. A

    Rejected Candy killer 80572

    There is only standing and waiting for the candy box to fall up until getting shot unexpectedly (as shown in this scene). Perhaps the link needs updated, see if this link is any different? Only outcome requested from this post is to reinforce no weapons and vests permitted at a candy drop...
  20. A

    Rejected Candy killer 80572

    "BEFORE" Notice how I start a conversation (without any weapon of my own and no vest of my own) BEFORE getting unconscious. Notice BEFORE i type "Pardon me". More was about to be expressed, but then i got unconscious unexpectedly. If you have BEFORE POV, why not provide it here ? The...
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