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  1. S

    Approved Cheatverdacht ID | 67805

    classic camorra lol
  2. S

    Approved RDM/Cheat/Ramming/Finish | ID: 6008

    Context? There was certainly an interaction between you before the clip started (you even say this yourself) so we dont know if you ran from ghetto or did something else which could explain RDM. Also this isn't an red zone event so you can't "request POV". You drove in a straight line and it was...
  3. S

    Approved VDM und Beleidigen auf anderer Sprache | ID: 1874 und 22252

    VDM applies only to the person driving the car (1874), and 22252 didnt say a single word during the whole situation,. Please edit the complaint and dont acuse people just because you are mad :) MfG
  4. S

    Rejected Spotten IC OOC bei einem Event

    if they can go in it doesnt count as spotting. they have a disadvantage of having less people in the zone. Its not their fault you go in out in the open and get killed.
  5. S

    Rejected RDM ID 3606

    u had the atm marked on the gps as a robbery. like wtf did u expect ramming the other car? a pat on the head?
  6. S

    Approved Bugusing/Cheating | ID: 82385

    Another protip Chester. Use a rev and take more time to aim. MfG
  7. S

    Approved PowerGaming | ID: 71396

    Protip. If you want someone off the car and you are as close to them as in 1:26 its better to use a tazer. MfG
  8. S

    Rejected delete pls

    lol delete
  9. S

    Rejected VDM 3260, 77623

    Mein kleiner freund hier hatte angst, dass Ich seinen freund töten würde, also entschied er sich für vdm. Ich wurde verhaftet und verlor ungefähr 200.000 Waffen und Munition. P.S. Ich bin nicht in der gz, ich bin auf der anderen straßenseite.
  10. S

    Rejected Ich wurde Umgebracht ohne grund

    did u just report your fam member....
  11. S

    Rejected Bugabuse | 7171, 4572

    Hi! When i went to foundry Players: 7171 & 4572 used fast mele attack bug on me. This goes under the rule 6.23 as shown in these examples: Approved - Beleidigung als schlampe/bugabus(abbrechen schlagen) id 24196 Approved - Bugabuse | 7373 Approved - Eltern Beleidigung // Bugabuse ID : 2750...
  12. S

    Rejected Multivergehen der Gangs bei Ghetto Patrouille | ID: Mehrere

    Meine ID: 10433 thats called rp xd, just talk to the leaders. I dont see the point in including the "looting in fight" its so petty and unnecesarry, and if the guy gets demorg for looting, ur man will also get demorg for vdm, whats the point?
  13. S

    Rejected POV Anfrage an ganz Tachini Clan 31.01BIZWAR

    ey you are better than this alvaro...
  14. S

    Approved verdacht auf cheating

    0:18? maybe there, or maybe hes rly cheating
  15. S

    Rejected Bug

    das sind kein bug. er ist einfach ein sehr guter spieler
  16. S

    Rejected Scam um Flagge

    Als Entschädigung habe ich dir ein kleines Geschenk gemacht ;)
  17. S

    Rejected RDM | 2450, 19901

  18. S

    Rejected POV anfrage OutLawz

    Lara eine clapper
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