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Search results

  1. ayoub ponch

    Reviewed Pov Request | 1343

    G.G BRO
  2. ayoub ponch

    Reviewed Pov Request | 1343

  3. ayoub ponch

    Rejected Green Zone 1.2 ID 21768

    all in POV
  4. ayoub ponch

    Reviewed pov req I 0000

  5. ayoub ponch

    Rejected gen rule 6.5 | ID 1343

    look you car how you whant me too now that you are ems
  6. ayoub ponch

    Approved CL | 20074

    all in pov
  7. ayoub ponch

    Rejected posible cheats/112

    i cant see id112 in pov
  8. ayoub ponch

    Rejected posible cheats/112

    i request POV from ID 112 not ID : 191 because ID :191 was using sniper outside of the zone of the event to kill us but his friend which his ID 112 as i think he was at the top of the building that the guy i need the POV because i already shooted at him 3 times and he didnt want to die
  9. ayoub ponch

    Rejected posible cheats/112

    as you can see in my POV i already hitted him 3 times and he wasnt wearing any body armor soo he didnt die ? i wasnt able to get the ID of the suspect when i shooted at him and as u can see in this picture it was ID 112
  10. ayoub ponch

    Rejected stealing car in green zone /191.720.676.10473

    like you see in my pov my car was in green zone then the blow the car and when we finish informal i cant drive my car next 10 min the poch the car out said the zone |
  11. ayoub ponch

    Reviewed CL /698

    nice MG
  12. ayoub ponch

    Reviewed CL /698

  13. ayoub ponch

    Approved CL / ID 1343,999

    this is my pov
  14. ayoub ponch

    Rejected General rule 1.1 | Jonathan Thomas

    Give the guy another
  15. ayoub ponch

    Rejected possible cheat | 464

    i guess you didnt see the video
  16. ayoub ponch

    Rejected possible cheat | 464

    the Video tell you everything like i give him a lot of damage
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