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Search results

  1. Sargento Rodrigues

    Approved ER 1.1 + CR | Id's 175138 and 182285

    ER 1.1 + CR, everything in my POV
  2. Sargento Rodrigues

    Approved VDM | 348936

    everything in my pov
  3. Sargento Rodrigues

    Rejected bad analysis of teaming in the Battle Royale event - ER 1.1

    my thread rejected: Rejected - Teaming in event Battle Royale ER 1.1 | id's 222726; 336666 and 347351 I had already confirmed this with an admin: there are dozens of similar complaints here on the forum, all of which have been accepted tks
  4. Sargento Rodrigues

    Rejected Teaming in event Battle Royale ER 1.1 | id's 222726; 336666 and 347351

    Teaming in event Battle Royale 1.1 Teaming is strictly forbidden(except events where it is systematically) | Jail 120 min
  5. Sargento Rodrigues

    Rejected ER 1.1 | id's 222726; 336666 and 347351

    ER 1.1 | id's 222726; 336666 and 347351
  6. Sargento Rodrigues

    Approved ER 1.1 | id's 129011 and 221762

    ER 1.1 | id's 129011 and 221762
  7. Sargento Rodrigues

    Reviewed Puniçao injusta | Gabriel Vetrova

    Boas Murder, para ajudar deixo aqui os 5 minutos que antecederam o video da minha thread, como o Dnnz disse é verdade que vim do hospital mas só comecei a gravar quando cheguei ali ao cruzamento perto do casino, como se vê logo no inicio desta POV um carro pára em frente à central elétrica...
  8. Sargento Rodrigues

    Rejected General Rules 6.8 | 220609

    insult dead
  9. Sargento Rodrigues

    Approved Ghetto Rules 1.6 | ID 302183

    After shooting the ID 302183 he run away to HQ (Ghetto Rules 1.6)
  10. Sargento Rodrigues

    Approved Regras Gerais 6.15 | Id's 1104; 2319; 19719; 25763

    Boas Dnnz, Vamos por partes, existem duas formas de iniciar o RP de roubo de carros, e aceitares a ordem de roubo como mostras no print não é o inicio do RP, porque ai eu não tenho como saber que queres roubar o carro, o RP começa mais à frente, 1ª situação: se eu não tiver no carro e o...
  11. Sargento Rodrigues

    Approved Regras Gerais 6.15 | Id's 1104; 2319; 19719; 25763

    Do nada estes quatro começaram a disparar para mim dentro da cidade sem nenhum motivo. 6.15 Quando está fora do gueto, deverá começar o RP antes de disparar em alguém. Por exemplo, dar ordens, se ele não respeitar as regras dentro de 5 segundos, poderá disparar neles. | AVISO (no campo Suspect...
  12. Sargento Rodrigues

    Approved Ghetto rules 1.5 | id 315656

    ran away to the HQ and started shooting from inside. (then I entered and leaves for 2 seconds to see his ID)
  13. Sargento Rodrigues

    Approved Timing in the battle royale event | Id 68946 and Id 202258

    As you can see in my POV, Id 68946 and Id 202258 are playing as a team at the event, which is not allowed
  14. Sargento Rodrigues

    Rejected Timing in the battle royale event | Id 0000

    As you can see at the beginning of my POV, the two players are playing shooting at the gas tank, (due to the distance I can't see the idds and then I need help from the admins) when I shoot at them, at no point do they shoot one at the another and then they both come after me, later a third...
  15. Sargento Rodrigues

    Approved VDM | 322184

    all in POV
  16. Sargento Rodrigues

    Approved GR 3.2 | 321032 - 320408

    GR - 3.2 Parents should not be mentioned in all chats, including voice | Mute 180 minutes or ban up to 7 days.
  17. Sargento Rodrigues

    Rejected GR 6.15 | 272760

    I no longer have a clip, you came into my garden, ran over me, came back and killed me without saying a word, and I never shot you
  18. Sargento Rodrigues

    Rejected GR 6.15 | 272760

    6.15 When outside the GHETTO you must engage in RP before shooting someone. For example issue them demands and if they do not listen to your demands within 5 seconds you can shoot them. | WARN
  19. Sargento Rodrigues

    Approved CL | 1393

    Boas Ferreirão, dei mesmo F1, podes aplicar a punição.
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