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  1. Jonrose18

    Approved PG Fail RP CR I 28161

    Now where the fuck is pg and there is. No fail rp and it is not my problem that you keep hard braking isit put you was mg as in your pov you could not see what I had on
  2. Jonrose18

    Rejected Admin Application | Jon Warburg

    1. jon rose 2. 20 years old 3.uk 4.4pm to 4am 5. 12 hours a day 6.jonrose18#5412 7. jon rose 8. 28161 9. I want to be curator of Crime section 1.Why do you want to become an admin? I would like to become a admin to help out with the city to stop rule brake in the city as i have been...
  3. Jonrose18

    Approved MG I 32890

    as you can see i had a mask on
  4. Jonrose18

    Approved power gaming I32890

    as you can see i had my gun out when he cuffed me and he also had his gun out why putting me in cuffs
  5. Jonrose18

    Approved ban for 3 warns I ali lv

    hi i got a warn for rdm so i posted a forum for the rdm and it got approved https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/435378/ so now i should only have 2 warns and i am still ban would you please unban me plz
  6. Jonrose18

    Approved warn for 6.15 I ali lv

    as you can see in my pov i gave him 5 sec to leave as for the last 2 days they have been trying to rob my car so i gave him 5 secs to leave
  7. Jonrose18

    Rejected gen 6.15 I ali lv

    and also befo i get in trouble to mg i have speakers in the day so if can here ppl dubble
  8. Jonrose18

    Rejected gen 6.15 I ali lv

    as you can see in my pov i gave him 5 sec to leave as for the last 2 days they have been trying to rob my car so i gave him 5 secs to leave
  9. Jonrose18

    Reviewed Gen 1.9 I Oghi Flann

    i am posting for a friend Cameron Sanders hey i got band for Gen Rule 1.9 i understand what i have done wrong i put my car up in autofair for 220k when i meant to put it up for 2.2m but as you know in auto fair you cant see how much u have put it up for unless u have a friend online what at...
  10. Jonrose18

    Approved rdm I 34763 I 25396 I24773

    as you can see no one gave demands we was just there talking at our fam house
  11. Jonrose18

    Rejected mute 500 mins I Oghi flann

    i put up in club chat look for someone that owens a clothes shop as i want to buy race clothes then i get a mute for marketplace then i got unmute then mute again for ads in club chat what witll my my punishment history look bad i had to put jail as would not let me put anything
  12. Jonrose18

    Approved RDM I 373

    as you can see in pov he said 5 secs to leave and he got to 2 secs then started to shot me then i was trying run away and still killed me
  13. Jonrose18

    Reviewed Warn rdm I arthur miguel

    as you can see in my pov i did not rdm anyone i was just aiming at the walls and air then get done for rdm
  14. Jonrose18

    Rejected rdm I arthur miguel

    as you can see in my pov i did not rdm anyone i was just aiming at the walls and air then get done for rdm
  15. Jonrose18

    Rejected Medusa | Unofficial Organisation

    Family Name: Medusa Family Founder : Jon Rose | 28161 Family House Number : 477 Family Owners Discord :Jonrose18#5412 Family Leader Forum: Jon Rose Family Uniform: black and blue with bigness 80 on the back HISTORY OF THE FAMILY MEDUSA: There is a small family with a son named Jon surviving...
  16. Jonrose18

    Rejected Medusa | Unofficial Organisation

    Family Name: Medusa Family Founder : Jon Rose | 28161 Family House Number : 477 Family Owners Discord :Jonrose18#5412 Family Leader Forum: Jon Rose Family Uniform: black and blue with bigness 80 on the back Share HISTORY OF THE FAMILY MEDUSA: There is a small family with a son named...
  17. Jonrose18

    Rejected vdm I julio misfit

    as you can see in the video i cashed in to then but in my eyes i did not my wifi was lagging like mad then they did say why did you do that and i said i did not mean to the video is theres
  18. Jonrose18

    Approved VDM | 32914

    i did not see you there as my wifi is bad and you spawned in as i packed my bad and i did say sorry
  19. Jonrose18

    Rejected ban for racism I Dan Rose

    hi i got blocked for racism for saying turky c+nt for 7 days and i do not understand how that is racism would you please reconsider my ban please i have never been band in this city before i hope you understand and reconsider please
  20. Jonrose18

    Rejected racism appeal I Dan Rose

    hi i got blocked for racism for saying turky c+nt for 7 days and i do not understand how that is racism would you please reconsider my ban please i have never been band in this city before i hope you understand and reconsider please
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