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Search results

  1. Konstantin Usoyan

    Rejected Application for admin | Wonder Dean

    1. Kostas 2. 27 3. GMT +2 4. 3-7 hours(depending on my working schedule) 5. Wônder#8518 6. Wonder Dean 7. 37950 1. I really like to help people and give them all the experience they need to have a good stay in the Grand RP server. I would like to assist administrators as the server goes wild...
  2. Konstantin Usoyan

    Rejected Power Gaming | 38770 - 61809 - 40122 - 13553

    Hello buddy I hope you're having a great time in the city of Los Santos. I think you have to read again what 6.16 general rule is referring to. Plus your video had no audio and you seem to talk in discord too, which is considered as metagaming. Thanks in advance
  3. Konstantin Usoyan

    Approved Forced suicide I ID 38770, 37950, 79276

    Really? Didn't know, which rule should I look for this ?
  4. Konstantin Usoyan

    Rejected Hostage taking in FZ base I ID 38770, 37950, 79276 ,43061

    As of that you started the shooting, you could just point guns on us making us drop our guns, call for backup and arrest us. Instead you preferred to shoot, as you can see we leave the area and when I hear in the radio that you arrested one of us, I came back to save him with the risk of my life...
  5. Konstantin Usoyan

    Approved Forced suicide I ID 38770, 37950, 79276

    My demand was him to jump, never humiliated him never robbed him never trash talked to him. He could just not follow my demand and stay there, so I would just kill him, plus can someone mention please the rule that I can't take a hostage from NG. If this roleplay is going against the rules of a...
  6. Konstantin Usoyan

    Rejected Hostage taking in FZ base I ID 38770, 37950, 79276 ,43061

    if this kind of roleplay hurts your feeling then I'm so sorry. Neither rob this guy nor treated him bad, pure rp. If this is against the server then I guess I'll have to only go for pvp then. Thanks in advance
  7. Konstantin Usoyan

    Rejected punishment appeal | Jazz Flix

    it was a visual bug do not blame admin
  8. Konstantin Usoyan

    Rejected punishment appeal | Jazz Flix

    In this thread Approved - Not in 51% gang clothes / vagos we can see 3 of my members are getting jailed for not wearing 51% yellow. In my eyes 2 of em are wearing yellow while the other guy im not sure if its a visual or not as i mentioned 2 times but he didnt understand. IDs 81035 and 91172...
  9. Konstantin Usoyan

    Approved vagos members attacked in private property | vagos

    Plus the ids u are referring are not in Vagos except 86666 i think which means either they got already a warning or they are friends wearing yellow so youve made this report to give a warning to Vagos in general which means some HC talked to you about doing it
  10. Konstantin Usoyan

    Approved vagos members attacked in private property | vagos

    Wdym there is no rule of a gang attacking a family? I mean there isn't a rule even for a family attacking a family, but thats not the point. First of all I see you're in bloods and you've already talked with your family in chat for the situation so you are opening the pov to catch the moment on...
  11. Konstantin Usoyan

    Approved Multiple rulebreaks | Bloods

    As we were heading our way to Fort Zacundo raid, that we planned for 16:15 , a big number of Bloods were waiting for us in the street and at the edge of the tunnel before the military entrance and they started to car ramming,shooting,pulling our boys over. I honestly see FZ raid griefing first...
  12. Konstantin Usoyan

    Rejected Cheats | ID : 49320

    I don't disagree, you may be right but I asked the pov cause it seemed weird to me so you can show me through this, that I was wrong and that my dark blue outfit stands out behind a dark green bush
  13. Konstantin Usoyan

    Approved Cheats | ID 38770

    I don't understand your attitude, but I think that's your defense. Anyways have a good day
  14. Konstantin Usoyan

    Approved Cheats | ID 38770

    It's related to the post and my family member. You report him for cheating, that's serious and affects the image of the family, so from the time that's related to HIM you should report it here. Thanks in advance
  15. Konstantin Usoyan

    Approved Cheats | ID 38770

    In dms . . ok isn't this sus? xD
  16. Konstantin Usoyan

    Rejected Cheats | ID : 49320

    In a recent event i got killed by this id in a weird for me way, as i was coming out of the cylinder into the bush to heal and a bullet killed me while i was going to leave the bush. The player that killed me was left diagonal of the bush(in the end of the clip we can see him pushing the left...
  17. Konstantin Usoyan

    Approved Cheats | ID 38770

    Pc check him
  18. Konstantin Usoyan

    Approved Vagos | Wonder Dean

    1. Kostas 2. 27 3. GMT +2 4. 3-4 hours 5. Wônder#8518 6. Wonder Dean 7. 37950 Additional information : 1. Leader of Vagos 2. 1) I would like to become the leader of Vagos, as I believe I could successfully lead this gang on top. 2) Vagos has been in obscurity for so long, so this need...
  19. Konstantin Usoyan

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information 1. Kostas 2. 27 3. GMT +2 4. Depends on my work schedule but most likely 3 hours average 5. Wônder#8518 6. Wonder Dean 7. 37950 Additional information 1. Why do you want to become an admin? To be honest I'm playing in the server for like 6 or 7 months now and I've done a...
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