Dear administration,
I got banned for er 1.7 by this Post. The problem was that i was not at home at that time and 6 Hours is not that much if u sleep and go to work/school. And then i was already banned when i got home.
So here is the POV. I hope this also works
Best Regards,
Dear administration,
I got banned for er 1.7 by this Post. The problem was that i didnt saw that i had POV Request because i was not home and then i was already banned when i got home.
So here is the POV. I hope this also works
Best Regards,
Dear administration,
I got banned for er 1.7 by this Post. The problem was that i didnt saw that i had POV Request because i was not home and then i was already banned when i got home.
So here is the POV. I hope this also works
Best Regards,
Dear administration,
I got banned for er 1.7 by this Post. The problem was that i didnt saw that i had POV Request because i was not home and then i was already banned when i got home.
So here is the POV. I hope this also works
Best Regards,
This guy (Mehmet Storm, 109451) wanted a POV Request from me and he was so mad that he insults my family in the title of the Streamable clip
Here the Proof:
Your ID: 118111
Players nickname: Tom Zack
Administrators nickname: Denis Xosis
Time: 10.7.2023 00:00
Sehr geehrtes Grand RP-Team,
Ich hoffe diese Nachricht erreicht sie wohlbehalten. Mein Name Ist Tom Zack und ich wende mich an sie um meinen Entbannungsantrag auf DE01 zu stellen.
Deine ID: 54948
ID der beschuldigten Person*en: 68299 und 65504
Proof in form von Videomaterial oder Bildern:
Wie ist die Situation zustande gekommen und was ist Passiert: Ich war ganz normal auf dem Weg zu meinem Parkplatz, als die 2 Leute gekommen sind und mich ohne grund Rdmt und Vdmt haben
ID: 68583
Ingame name: Tom abi
Why were you banned? Anticheat 934
How long have you been banned? My social club got banned Forever
How long will your sentence last?
Why should we unban you? I dont even know what i did and i would really like to play on the server again
on the 26 May i...
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