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Search results

  1. Bryden Oblock

    Rejected Leader Of East Side Ballas I Zarif Black

    Best leader ++ have the best bound with members
  2. Bryden Oblock

    IMPORTANT Applications for the Families

    Best leader Deserving one +1
  3. Bryden Oblock

    Rejected .

    What do you mean by shurveer? It's not off topic? You need to learn some English? Please go to school
  4. Bryden Oblock

    Rejected .

    And I guess you are the one who wrote abusive words in cc? Bro you need to learn some discipline and be mature !
  5. Bryden Oblock

    Rejected .

    HOWEVER it seems like this random toxic guy shaurya tryna target them as it is clear that this is happening because of personal issues and if that guy doing actual report why he didn't reported as soon they did this cheats matter? Why he is reporting now? He is reporting now becauseeeeeee their...
  6. Bryden Oblock

    Approved GR 3.1 | 104376

    Thread fixed !
  7. Bryden Oblock

    Approved GR 3.1 | 104376

    yes so non rp means ooc so its ooc disrespect and send the screenshot where i annoyed you first
  8. Bryden Oblock

    Rejected GR 3.1 + Toxicity + Provoking | 162895

    OOC radio used and "fuck" word is in use
  9. Bryden Oblock

    Rejected Provoking | 104376

    Provoking for no reason in radio all in SS i hope he will get demorgen of 60 minutes or a mute
  10. Bryden Oblock

    Approved GR 3.1 | 104376

    OOC radio used all in POV First Proof - Second Proof -
  11. Bryden Oblock

    Rejected Leader of SAHP | Bryden Verlice

    1. Your name IRL - Arpit Singh 2. Your age - 17 3. Time zone - IST 4. Average online per day - 6-7 hours 5. Your Discord - cartel.exe 6. Your Nickname - Bryden 7. Your ID - 67680 Additional information 1. Leader of... SAHP 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization...
  12. Bryden Oblock

    Approved Org warning for leader doing curroption | Dark wick

    This is not complaint about dark wick , thankyou you!
  13. Bryden Oblock

    Approved Org warning for leader doing curroption | Dark wick

    These things happened to me also many times and I can understand this and please give him/ng a last chance it's a request he is not guilty in that
  14. Bryden Oblock

    Rejected Bug Abuse | ID: 34872

    Gg ban for that guy
  15. Bryden Oblock

    Rejected Bug Abuse | ID: 34872

    Id is not visible in pov
  16. Bryden Oblock

    Reviewed Leader Of Marabunta I Zarif Verlice

    (not off topic) got the best skill to lead a gang worked him with as his deputy he have the greatest bond with members 🖤
  17. Bryden Oblock

    Rejected Toxicity in cc | 62817

    Hello dear adminsitrator, This guy is doing toxicity in cc
  18. Bryden Oblock

    Reviewed close

    Edit title to close please
  19. Bryden Oblock

    Reviewed close

    Close , sorry for the inconvince making a new one
  20. Bryden Oblock

    Reviewed close

    Hello dear team administrator , as you can see this guy is doing toxicity in cc
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