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  1. A.Senna

    Rejected Unban Appeal (Wrong Decision) | James Pluxury

    I was unfairly punished by the administrator James Pluxury and through this Unban Appeal I will prove that if it was an error. Ban Context: I was banned awhile I was playing at arena, having fun and chatting having a few laughs with my friends through the Discord app Here u can see 10 minutes...
  2. A.Senna

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Konig Swayze

    Boa noite. Fui banido pela Regra Geral 3.1, em ambas as contas, depois de serem apresentadas no fórum POV's completamente inelegíveis, com a hora e data cortadas e com uma qualidade péssima, onde nem sequer os ID's são percetíveis. Após contactar o admin em questão que mandou aplicar a punição...
  3. A.Senna

    Rejected Pov request ID-0000

    Boas, gostaria de saber como morri porque como se ve no video aparentemente fui furado.
  4. A.Senna

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Cuca_Ricci

    Boa tarde, após estes dias sem conseguir jogar devido ao meu banimento, refleti e percebi que podia ter agido de outra forma e ter agido de forma mais calma, apesar de ter havido provocações do outro lado, porém venho solicitar a remoção do meu banimento ou a redução do mesmo, jogo várias horas...
  5. A.Senna

    Reviewed Unban appeal | Murder Swayze

    Boas, estou banido á cerca de 2 meses deste projeto (sv pt) por ter criado uma conta no fórum e colocado um video que continha conteúdo inapropriado. Gostaria de pedir apenas uma oportunidade sabendo que errei e já pedi desculpas e expliquei e resolvi os meus problemas com os admins com qual...
  6. A.Senna

    Approved General Rule 1.4 | Adham Pluxury

    Dear Mazhor, After opening many threads and I apologize for that, now I know as you said in the last one the issued occurred a year ago (2021-07-18). During that time It was the start of my stay at Grand RP and I was unaware of the rules I was breaking . Whit this i just want to say I'm sorry...
  7. A.Senna

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Adham Pluxury

    Day 19 of September I was banned for rule 1.4 and I can´t seem to find the reason for this, I already opened a thread where was stated "Fair Punishment", I never never logged another account on my computer or played on any other account other than mine. I think this is a mistake because GR 1.4...
  8. A.Senna

    Rejected unban appeal | for curator of the project

    Yesterday i was banned on my account for the rulle 1.4 that applies having multiple accounts and i opened a thread saying thats impossible because i have only 1 epic games account that i use for all (grand rp PT and EN1) and in both sv i have 2 grp accounts that on the EN1 are this ID´s 40125 &...
  9. A.Senna

    Reviewed Unban appeal 1.4 Gr | adham_pluxury

    hi, i was just got banned for the rulle 1.4 and i only have 2 accounts my main and twinkie. Both my id´s : 40125 & 54196
  10. A.Senna

    Rejected Ban Appeal | Murder Swayze

    Boas, estou banido porque fiz uma conta no Fórum na qual abri uma thread na qual coloquei e disse coisas nas quais hoje me arrependo e peço desculpa a toda a staff, admito o meu erro e peço uma oportunidade, peço desculpa mais uma vez a toda a staff.
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