The Army, what is it? Hi, in this article I will tell you all the nuances about how to join the National Guard. You’ll end up learning about how military life is arranged in GTA 5 RP, how the military base area is arranged, how much money you can get in the army, and what activities the bandits are involved in 

Information about the base “Fort Zankudo”

The territory of the military base.
“Fort Zancudo”

First let’s figure out the territories which exist. It is divided in 3 sectors:

  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Red

In the green territory anyone who wants can stay and cook meat for example. It is forbidden to visit the yellow territory if you are not with army soldiers. If you enter the red territory, you will be killed, whoever you are.In order for you to go on the territories without any problems you should be employee of state organisation.

Army-How to join?

Army- is a good idea to join if you like the army atmosphere.There are a lot of things you can do in the army. If you want to join the army, you can’t just go to the base. You can find it by coordinates which you can access by phone press K and then open GPS and in the section “organisations” find National Guard.

Before you join the army, you have to find a state wave where it will be announced when you can join. If you cannot wait in game for the announcements, you can leave application on discord.


The uniform of army fits whoever you are either a man or a woman. We added on Grand Role Play 200 variations of clothes in the army. Are you interested to know for what uniform is needed? There are many departments in the army that do different jobs. The difference of each department is the clothing they wear. If you see someone talking to a gang member, you will determine which department he/she is from.


We have added several events to the base of Fort Zankudo. One of them will be (attack/defense of Fort Zankudo). You can do this every day. And the next one is available on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday. We will tell you a little bit more about it. 

Attack/defence of Fort Zancudo:

Attack/defence of Fort Zancudo

Now on the base they have been more cases of attack from gangs. They have collided together and showed no mercy. They enter the base through the entrance and start to bother the army. Army employees should seek help from other government organizations to defeat them. The purpose of the event is quite simple: gang members attack the base to get resources. The gang members have to enter the territory of the Fort and try to steal those components before they get caught. 

Attack on aircraft carrier.

In this event only members of the family can participate and state organisation employees. All of the state employees will have to defend the aircraft carrier from the families which will have to go up the carrier in order to get guns, ammunition. After the successful attack families get the ammunition to their warehouse. 
Civil servants must protect the aircraft carrier within 15 minutes. If they succeed, they will receive a bonus to their salary

Salary in the army.

Another question which everyone asks: what is the salary in the army? Salary in the state organisation depends on your rank. Apart, from getting a salary each hour you can increase it by doing several tasks inside of the organisation.  Right now, we have 4 tasks which a player can do.

  1. Brave comrade
  2. Defender
  3. Power
  4. Deliveries

There is a task called defender which you have to take before the event “defence of Fort Zancudo. If criminals are able to press the button in the event and they did not win it in this case National Guard employees will get money bonuses. 

You have joined National Guard! Congratulations!

Dear friend, now you know everything about army to know even more try it out for yourself. We have released a new video about army where we have talked about it even more.