Hi! In this article, we will talk about the most rare and expensive things on the project Grand Role Play, many of the them used to cost pennies, but now they are almost impossible to get – so they have become worth hundreds, if not thousands of times more expensive.
The rarest masks.
So, let’s start with the rare masks, most of them can be obtained by using the menu to create things (I -> Creating Items -> Clothing -> Mask). There are 5 such masks on the server:
- Craft Munk Mask
- Sashmello Mask
- Robot Mask(Human)
- Robot Mask(Grand)
- Clown Mask 2

To create them you will need 100 units each of 5 different types of masks, which is quite a lot – that’s why these masks are very valuable on the server. Their market value varies from server to server. But it starts from 5.000.000$, which in our opinion is a sufficient price. If you are concerned about the idea of purchasing these masks – we advise you to first pay attention to buying these masks from players, although if you have a lot of time, you can search for the necessary ingredients to successfully create rare masks. Interesting fact: Previously, the items needed to craft the “Legendary Mask” were given out in the lottery, which could be purchased for 10.000$ in the store 24/7, in the first days, after the addition of such cheap lottery tickets, players were constantly throwing away the “unnecessary” masks. And now, from those same “unneeded” masks, a “Legendary Mask” can be crafted, at a very high cost. Think about it, maybe those items that have no price now – will be worth millions in the future.

The rarest costumes.
Now, let’s go a little lower and consider, the rarest sets of clothes. They can include a lot of things, but we’ll look at a few examples, which we and our team, the least seen on the server from other players. So, let’s start with the most interesting:
- Lui Vi Set – consists of the Lui Vi Jacket and Lui Vi Jeans. There are three colors to choose from. Pink, blue and black and white. If the first two colors, you can still try to get at the auction, or buy from the players of the project Grand Role Play, the black and white coloring is almost unreal to find. We, with our team, many times tried to get it, using all available to other players methods, but we did not succeed. By the way, just recently, we found out that this set of clothes was sold for $450.000.000.
- Mikachu Yellow Hoodie – The yellow hoodie is a great match for any clothing set used. We were extremely surprised by its value, on different servers, some people are ready to pay anywhere from 200.000.000$ to 350.000.000$. You won’t believe it, but you could get it for free by playing 5 hours on our great server! And it was part of the New Year’s update in 2021.
- Neon suit – another rare set of clothes, which is not so often found on the servers of our project. It can be obtained by doing work as an electrician. Just fix malfunctioning panels and with a certain chance – get wires for it. In total there are 4 items of clothing:
1) Neon Helmet
2) Neon Torso
3) Neon Pants
4) Neon Shoes
For each of these items, you will have to pay 500 wires, which you can buy from other players or get at the work of an electrician. The average cost of this costume ranges from $20,000,000 to $40,000,000.

Rarest Shoes.
Yes, shoes are no exception either, but things are much simpler here.
- Neon Shoes – one of the rarest pairs of sneakers on the server, previously these items were given to the first leaders of gangs, for successfully taking control of 100% of the territories in the ghetto. It doesn’t work like that no more, and the only way to get them, is to try your luck at the auction, or try to find players who want to sell you these items, and there are very few. If they are present at all.
- Luminous Keezy Boost – in this pair, the most expensive and rare color is black. By the way, getting them is quite simple and difficult at the same time. To do this, it is necessary that 15 people register using your referral link. And to find your referral link all you have to do is go to the Menu (M -> Referral system).

Thank you for reading the article.
Now you know what are the rarest and most expensive pieces of clothing on our project! Hopefully, you already have all the items from our list in your inventory. On our official YouTube channel of the project Grand Role Play, we talk in detail about ways to get these items and the cost of items from the list, and not only about them. See you soon!