Oil deliverer. What is this job? Hello in this article we will tell you how to start working as oil deliverer, how much can you earn and also you will know how to earn 40-50 thousand per hour.

Specialist on oil delivery.

Oil deliverer: what is this job

If you are looking at map you can see a small icon with a fire inside. They can be yellow red and green. What do they mean? Those are locations of oil wells which are owned by families on a server.If you see that the color is red, it means that the oil well is full and you need to take the fuel out. A yellow color means there is enough fuel and you can start taking it out. If the color is green, it means that everything is fine, but you can still get the fuel out if you want. Every owner of oil well is interested that drivers take out fuel. 

Map icon

Oil deliverer: what do you need for this job?

  • You need to have cash (renting transport costs 2500)
  • Driver license 
  • Do not be in organization 

Oil deliverer: where to find job? How to get hired?

First of all, you have to:

  • With GPS find out job called “oil deliverer”
  • Get hired
  • Go in a rented transport 
  • Press J and select your route
  • Go to the location which appears on the map

You can put maximum of 4000 litres of oil in your truck. You need to press on J and look for oil well which have more than 4000 litres or look at the map and find yellow or red station. When you come to it press E and buy 4000 litres for 4000 dollars. You will get your money back immediately after you deliver product. After you have to go to red checkpoint and you will get 4000 back. Moreover, every payday you will get your salary depending on how many times you did delivery.

Now you know everything about oil deliverer on our server. Congratulations!

Dear friend, now you know everything about this job, how much money you can earn and what your salary depends on. Do not forget about our channel where we tell everything in details. You will know how much money you can earn from different things on a server. 
