Hello today I will tell you about electrician job in GTA RP. I will tell you how much money can you spend in an hour, how much do you need in order to get the first million dollars and how to get one million dollars in an hour. 

Where can I find electrician job and how to become one?

You have to go to the NPC and press button “start working”
After you will get the uniform and access to the electrical shields. 

GPS to Jobs
Location on the map.

Electrician: How many levels they are on this job?

Electrician Job

We have 3 levels on this job:

  • Level 1: you have to connect the wires which are in different order. 
  • 2 Level : have to go to different places, and the number of wires increases.
  • 3 Level : You can make contracts with other players and get 10 percent from there profit.

How to connect wires correctly?

Location on the map
Electric panel.

We do not have the right answer on how you should connect wires. But for you we have a life hack which you can use. You have 3 wires:

  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Green

We have 3 dots to connect them to:

  • Pink
  • Blue
  • Grey

In order to connect wire as fast as possible use this tactic:

  1. Connect yellow wire with the blue dot of connection. 
  2. Orange with pink.
  3. Green with grey.

If the first try was not successful try the life hack by starting from orange wire and connecting it with the blue dot. 

How much do electricians earn in GTA 5 RP?

For a lot of players it is important to know the salary on the jobs and I will tell you everything about electrician salary right now.
The price of one electrical shield without contract is 30 dollars if you have a contract, it would be 40 dollars. In an hour you can fix 200 shields and get 6000 dollars without contract and 8000 thousand with a contract.

How to earn 1 million?

In order to get 1 million if you are level 1 electrician you need 125 hours. Do not get upset because after 250 shields you will get level 2. The salary on level 2 will change. You will get 300 thousand dollars for one electrical shield without contract and 400 thousand with contract. You can fix 26 electrical shields in an hour which is 7.8 thousand dollars without contract and 10.400 thousand dollars with one. On a third level you can make contracts with players. It is possible to get 50 people sign the contract. If you get the contract with level 1 and 2 you will get around 50 thousand dollars + you will get 8 thousand if you work. In total in an hour, you will get 58 thousand dollars

Congratulations now you know everything about electrician job!

Dear friend now you know how to earn 1 million dollars on the electrician job. We have released a video on our channel which you can go and check out. 
