Greetings, my friend. In this article, we’re going to tell you about one of the most profitable ways to make money from your property – growing plants in the garden of your home.

Gardener: What do you need to start growing?

You will need a house with a garden, the presence of a garden can be checked by pressing the the interaction button next to the entrance of the house. Keep in mind that a house with a garden is quite expensive – this type of income requires an investment. You will also need seeds. This is one of the most easiest things that you can do on our server which gives you a passive income.

A house with a garden
A house with a garden

Gardener: Types of plant seeds

There are a total of 4 types of seeds:
1) Cabbage
2) Pumpkin
3) Mandarin
4) Pineapple
They are not different from each other, the only thing that is different is the time it takes for them to grow and the prices of the final product.

Types of seeds for planting in the garden at home
Types of seeds

Gardener: How to get seeds

There are several ways to obtain seeds for growing plants in the garden:
1) Working on a farm – when you complete tasks on a farm, seeds will drop to you.
2) Buying from players – this method is not the most profitable, but it is one of the fastest in terms of time
3) Using an automatic watering can – the longest, but the easiest way to get them.

Gardener: How to plant seeds in the garden

It’s quite simple – you have to be in the garden area of the house in the backyard of the house. Open your inventory of seeds and click on them, and select “Use” from the pop-up menu. After that, you need to choose a planting location and you’re done. All that’s left to do is wait and fertilise them.

The process of planting seeds in the garden at home
The process of planting seeds

Gardener: Where to sell your harvest ?

After harvesting you can sell them to a buyer near the harbour. His price changes every hour, you can see it on the official Discord channel of the project or by going and talking to the buyer.

Gardener: Tips for beginners

● The growing time of plants is different, choose the time that is best for you as you will have to spend this time on the server in order to fertilise your garden beds.
● Finding a house with a garden cheaply is a challenge, but don’t be afraid. This type of income will quickly pay for itself.
● If you are having trouble staying on the server, and your garden is already planted, find a player who will look over for it, for a small fee.
● It is much more profitable to use farming as a source of seeds. – the chance of them dropping is quite high, and there’s no cost at all.
● Often the buyer has low prices to sell your goods. If you don’t want to wait for a high price, find players who are in the crops buying business.

Thank you for reading this article

Congratulations, now you know everything about the garden system on the project Grand Role Play. We hope that this article will help you quickly achieve success. And a detailed video about the garden system you can see on the official Youtube channel of the project.