GTA Online VS GTA 5 RP. Have you asked yourself a question what is better GTA 5 online or GTA 5 RP? In this article we will tell you the difference between both of them.

What is the difference in Online VS 5 RP?

When you join GTA online you only join one session in which there cannot be more than 32 players. It is too small for this map to be honest. From my experience when players saw me, they tried to hit me which was very stressful for me. 
On Grand RP the situation is very different. The first thing that you see is online which is 1000 or more player. In this city you would be able to see 1000 real people who play with you. We also have a set of rules which do not allow players to violate them. If you do that you will get a demorgan for several hours as it ruins RP experience. We have an exception which is ghetto. 

What does GTA 5 RP has and GTA 5 Online doesn’t?

Role Play- is a virtual reality where every player plays their specific role. Do you want to become a police officer? Not a problem we have several options for you:

  • Sheriff’s department 
  • Central police

Do you want to become an army soldier or doctor? Not a problem. On a server we have different organisations which have different functions. The most interesting part is to take care of business. By that we mean:

  1. Buy one of the businesses from auction 
  2. Put prices for goods
  3. Advertise it in Lifeinvader
  4. Save money
Auction in GTA 5 RP on Grand Role Play
Buying a business at auction.

In GTA 5 Online this idea does not exist but players kept asking for it. Old players of GTA online will say that they like to do tuning of cars. 

Tuning in Gta 5 Online
Setup in GTA Online.

If you join Grand RP we have more than 300 dlc cars from real life we have cars like:

  • Mercedes
  • Lamborghini 
  • Bugatti
  • Tesla
Select the Car
The choice of cars.

The same is for clothes. We have:

  • Luis Vuitton
  • Supreme
  • Gucci
  • Designer shoes
  • Gloves
Cool Clothes
Fashionable clothes.

We have everything that you want as developers are always making updates for clothes and other stuff. 

What is interesting in GTA 5 RP that GTA online does not have?

Many players want to live together in one house and use same parking space and transfer to each other money. 

If you play on Grand Role Play you can easily:

  • Transfer money to your friends/ strangers
  • Live in one house and create a family
  • You can use auto park of a family
  • Give keys of a car to a friend so other family members would not be able to touch it. 

Difference in events.

If you play GTA online we can say that the most interesting thing about it are events. In GTA RP we also have events which are:

  • Robbery of a bank
  • Attack on Fort Zancudo
  • Attack on aircraft carrier
Family activity
Family events.

In these events state organisations, gangs, families usually participate. It is much more interesting to look at players interacting between each other through radio in order to create tactics. 
A lot of GTA online players in defence will say that on Role Play servers they want to relax sometimes and participate in races or jump from mountains using parachute.
Special for you we have a lot of OOC events which are not related to RP process:

  • Hot potatoes 
  • Evolution of animals
  • Races
OOS events

I will give the benefit of the doubt to GTA 5 Online in this case but on Grand Role play the updates come out based on players suggestions.

Hud in the interface.

The most important thing is what is around us while we play. In GTA 5 online the dialogs are not informative enough and we do not have much choices to pick from.
In GTA RP the Hud of a server allows you to follow: 

  • Online of players
  • Guidance
  • The button you have to press to use microphone on a server
  • Open inventory 
Hood in Gta 5 Rp on Grand RP
Hood in GTA RP.

In GTA online the inventory does not exist, on Grand Role Play in the inventory we used at least 15 thousand custom icons. For me interface place a huge part. 


Now you know the difference between GTA online and GTA 5 RP. Congratulations!

Dear friend, now you know the difference between GTA online and GTA 5 RP. There is a huge difference between servers in GTA RP and if you compare it to GTA online it will not be easy. Overall, it is your choice.