Greetings, in this article we will talk about an old but still relevant method of earning money on the servers of our project. This work on the server opening helped many players to become the the first millionaires on the server.

Miner: place for mining natural resources

This is one of the earliest works on the project and is located in the the desert on the stone hills. There are a total of 8 mining points all of them are exactly the same and different only in their colour:
1) Green colour means that the quarry is still full of resources and there are enough for everyone.
2) Yellow colour indicates that the quarry is half empty and there are not so many resources in it.
3) Red colour – there are no resources left at all and soon you will not be able to mine here and it will stop giving you resources.

Mining locations on the map
Mining locations on the map

Miner: Useful minerals

Several resources can be mined, which have a different value:
1) Copper
2) Emeralds
3) Rubies
4) Diamonds.

Types of minerals represented on the server
Types of minerals

Miner: Levels of character skill development

As with all jobs on our server, there are 3 levels of skill development, they are practically no different, except for the chance of of a certain resource falling. To raise the level of skill, you just have to hit the quarry with a pickaxe, 3 thousand times and the maximum skill level would be the achievement “Digger Online” from which you will get a free pickaxe of level 3.

Achievement for getting a level 3 at work
Achievement for work

Miner: Tools for resource extraction

For the extraction of valuable minerals in the game there are pickaxes of 3 levels, different only in strength and the possibility of diamonds. They will only drop in the presence of a pickaxe level 3. The pickaxes also are different in their strength, the pickaxes of lvl 2 and 1 are sold in the shop and with them you can only hit 1000 and 2000 times.

Miner: Selling your minerals

You can sell your loot to one of three buyers, which are located in different parts of the city.

Miner: Tips for easy mining of minerals

● The most important tip is to be patient, it’s not the most interesting job, but it’s a regular job which brings a lot of money to players on our server.
● Make the most of your inventory and get your strength to the max, your inventory will weight more and you will not have to run around to drop your loot. ● Keep an empty car near your place of work.
● Keep a car with an empty trunk near your place of work, so you can empty your backpack more easily. more time for mining resources.
● Do not buy the skill of this work in the statistics menu of the character, there is no point in it. You can up your skill within 3-4 hours of active work. Pay attention to the colour of the quarry on the map, don’t waste your time – choose a completely full quarry to mine.
● Interact with other players – not always the buyers give a good price at the moment and players usually buy it for a good amount of money.

Thank you for reading this article

Congratulations, you have learnt all the information about the miner, and in more detail we told and showed about this job in the video on our official YouTube channel of the project