Hello, Dear friend. Are you wondering how to earn money on the server? In this article I will tell you about interesting way how to earn money on the server – this is office. You will learn how much you can earn and how much time it takes, what you have to do to keep the business and a lot of interesting things

Where to buy an office?

First, you have to buy business “office”. Once you have bought an office, you will be given an upgrade. What is this for? It’s simple, on the third level you can enter into contracts with players who will do daily tasks and will be rewarded for those tasks with money.

Office Improvement.
Office Improvement.

Profits from Business.

So, on August 7, I spent $70 million and upgraded my office from level 1 to level 3. By the way, players who complete tasks in my office will receive 90% profit. However, the player gets 90% of the profits, so the owner will get 10%, which in principle is also not bad and I agree. By the way, for each completed quest, you get as much as the player himself, that is, $10,800 for each quest.

How does business work?

The moment a player completes a task in your office you get a notification and $10800 is deposited into your bank account.

If you are offline, the players can also do your tasks, but the money will not come directly to you, but to the post office, from where you can pick it up.

How much can I earn?

For 18 days I have received 2037 parcels, in addition, I have already opened 336 parcels! So, it turns out that in 18 days I received 2,373 parcels, with which I earned $25,628,000. Nevertheless, you can contact LifeInvader and sign a contract with them to advertise the business.

Personally, I got 60 parcels in one night, which equals $500,000 to $600,000, roughly.

And now look at this office, his profit is about $ 1 million a day, if you advertise it, you will lose 100 thousan. And what do you end up with? $800,000 a day for $70 million, or $600,000 for $160 million?


You still think an office is boring and unprofitable?

You’ll make profit on that office in a couple of months at worst! Unless, of course, after this news everyone buys offices.

It is important that your office is at the top, and how to achieve it? List of offices every time is sorted at random, so better advertise your office and write there your ID, as the office number + Bonuses.

This way, your profits will increase at least 2 times!

Now you know all about the office on our server. Congratulations!

Dear friend, now you know how to earn on the server with Business-Office. You can find detailed information on our youtube channel and watch the video, in which we explained in detail how offices work on our project.
