Greetings, dear players! In this article, we have collected a lot of frequently asked questions about the LSPD on our servers. Here you can find all the information that you need about this organisation LSPD.

  • How many years do you need to be a tow truck operator?
    4 Years
  • How many years do you need to be an officer?
    7 years
  • Which document you should have on you at all times as LEO?
    Drivers license, gun license, Medical insurance
  • What do you need in order to complete your training in LSPD?
    A complete understanding of all LSPD email functions, POV of Arrest, POV of an event, as well as you need to know how to tow cars of other people and give them fines. After this your training will be done.
A typical day as a police officer

  • What guns can you take from the warehouse as a new officer?
    PDW submachine gun and taser
  • Who are eligible to wear balaclavas?
    Officers which are classified, and the ones which are a part of the special ops division. They can take them during missions with permission given by high command officers who are classified as well.
  • What bonuses can you get in this organisation?
    Bonuses are based on your performance within a department. If you join a department, you would be eligible for weekly bonuses based on your behavior and activity in that department
  • How do I rank up in LSPD?
    Once you pass your training, your promotion will be based on the activity and professionalism you demonstrate on a weekly basis. The more and better you do, the more chance you have to get a promotion.

One of the duties of a police officer is to protect the players of the server

  • What am I allowed to do as an officer of LSPD?
    You can patrol the city, tow illegally parked vehicles, issue out fines to people who are disobeying traffic codes, make arrests when you catch people doing criminal things and so much more. This is only a basic information about what LSPD officers can do.
  • Where can we patrol?
    Anywhere within the city limits as well as outside the ghetto area (Red Zone) is LSPD patrolling jurisdiction.
  • How often do LSPD have missions?
    LSPD officers solve missions every single day, from ghetto patrols, to arresting criminals. LSPD is also responsible for store robberies, hostage situations and many more things.
  • When can LSPD enter the ghetto?
    LSPD can only enter ghetto while there is a situation going on in ghetto that requires attention, such as hostage situations and special missions.

Extensive fleet of police vehicles

  • What departments am I able to join in LSPD?
    We have a total of 6 departments that you can join. They will be listed here: Human Resources, Internal Affairs, SWAT, Investigation Bureau, Public Relations and Traffic Enforcement
  • How many departments can you be in?
    As an officer, you are allowed to be maximum in 2 departments.
  • Is there a minimum number of hours per week that you should be on duty?
    There is no requirement about it, but if you will be inactive for too long, you will be asked by your high command why you were inactive and you could be fired from organisation.
  • What cars do LSPD have?
    LSPD does not have as much variety of vehicles as other organizations like FIB but we do have a decent amount of cars that you can choose from such as: Police Camaros, Progen P1, armored cars etc. We also have air vehicles that you can use if you want to solve crimes faster.

A police station in the center of town

  • What vehicles am I able to use as a new officer?
    As a new officer, you will have a limited access to cars. One of the cars that you can use is Dodge. You will be able to gain access to more vehicles when you rank up in LSPD.
  • What is the work environment like in LSPD?
    We have a balanced work environment in LSPD. Our employees are professionals and will be able to treat others with respect. We are confident that we can provide an excellent working environment.
  • If I have just left state organisation, can I join a new one straight away?
    No, once you leave an organisation you will need to wait 3 days to be eligible to join a new organisation. You can move from one state organisation to another to avoid waiting for 3 days.
  • When can I join the LSPD?
    Anytime!!! If you have the necessary credentials and meet the minimum requirements we will hire you.

We would like to thank the LSPD leaders who helped in compiling these questions. And more information can be found on the official YouTube channel Grand Role play.