Family business, what is it and how can you earn money from it? Hello, in this article we will tell you how family earns money from businesses, how to look for them, and much more.

What are the most popular family businesses on a server?

A lot of players know that there are different businesses which exist on a server but the most profitable are:

  1. Cowshed 
  2. Plantation 

If you want to become millionaire in one day you should buy those businesses.

What do you need in order to buy a business?

  • You need a flat or a house where you can set up your family
  • You need to get a family license in the government building
  • Buy business from players or from auction

I have business what is next?

If you already bought a business and have a family you should buy seeds from players or you can go and work on a farm. If you have bunker with the charged battery, you can create seeds there.


How many seeds you need for business?

If you bought a plantation, it depends how many garden beds you have.
Plantation are different and have 10 to 20 garden beds.
You have to water them every hour.
You have to go to your plantation every hour and using functions of our server water beds (G information- fertilize crops)
The amount of time it takes to grow is different.

Bed watering
Plantation fertilization.

If you bought a cowshed, you need 45 seeds in order to feed cows.
Cows have to be fed and milked ones every three hours. You have to go to each cow and milk it. After you have to go to the yellow arrow and select type of seeds which you have and feed cows. Furthermore, from your inventory 15 seeds will be withdrawn automatically so do not forget to take them. My advice: if you do not want to wait 3 hours, feed cows every 55th minute of an hour and you will only wait 2 hours. This is because countdown is by an hour not by a minute.

Income from businesses.

Profit from plantation goes to the family balance straight away. You can earn 150-200 thousand from the harvest. Some of them even earn 600 thousand dollars depending on which plantation you have.

With cowshed is different after you milked cow’s milk will appear in your inventory and you have to sell it. You have to go to the storage and find NPC and press sell milk.

Money will be transferred to your family balance. You can earn 157 thousand. If you do cowshed 8 times in a day you will earn 1.25 million.

Now you know everything about family businesses and can earn a lot. Congratulations!

Dear friend, now you know everything about family businesses. We have made a lot of guides on our channel where you can learn a lot of new information.