In the world of GrandRP, where every detail counts, the Luminous Stone becomes an indispensable tool for those who want to stand out and improve their in-game achievements.

His rare and valuable item can be obtained in two main ways;

  • 1. Through the crafting System
  • 2. As a Battlepass prize.

Crafting System: Create your own uniqueness

To craft a glowing stone, you’ll need 500 rubies and 100 diamonds. This process takes effort and time, but the results are worth it. Rubies and diamonds can be obtained in the game by participating in various activities, completing quests and trading with other players. Once you have the necessary amount of materials, you can start crafting the glowing stone.

Create your own uniqueness

Instructions on how to craft a glowing stone.

  1. Collect 500 rubies and 100 diamonds.
  2. Go to the crafting section of your inventory.
  3. Select the glowing stone and click “Create”.
How to craft a glowing stone

Battle Pass: Get a glowing stone as a prize.

Another way to get your hands on a glowing stone is to purchase a Battle Pass. In addition to a variety of other rewards, the Battle Pass gives you the opportunity to receive a glowing stone as one of your prizes. It’s a great way to speed up the process and immediately gain access to the unique opportunities this item provides. Purchasing a Battle Pass not only saves you time, but also brings many additional bonuses and perks to the game.

Get a glowing stone as a prize

Using Glowing Stone to repaint items.

The Glowing Stone is used to repaint various items in the game. This process not only changes the appearance of your items, but also significantly increases their rating and value on the market. Repainted items become more attractive and valuable to other players, which opens up new opportunities for trading and exchange.

Benefits of repainting items with glowstone.

A unique look to your items that will make you stand out from other players. Increasing the rating of items, making them more powerful and useful. Increasing the value of items on the market, which allows you to sell or trade them favourably.


The glowing stone in Grand Role Play is the key to uniqueness and success. Whether you choose to create it through the crafting system or get it as a prize in the Battle Pass, this item opens up many new opportunities for you. Don’t miss the chance to improve your in-game performance and stand out from the crowd with a glowing stone.