Summer is in full swing! This is why we have decided to treat our players with a new Battlepass Update! We hope that everybody has managed to receive their prizes from the spring season. However, if you didn’t we advise you to think positive because there is a lot to gain in the new season!

Battlepass Changes

This season, we have completely redesigned our Battlepass which now consists of three pathways.

Main menu for the new event

Many new quests have been added to our Summer Battlepass as well as some of our older quests getting a re-work. This will help you to speed up the levels and prizes!

The main interface of the new Battlepass

In addition, a system of skipping difficult tasks with in-game currency has been implemented. This means you can skip daily and weekly tasks with GrandCoins OR ingame money!

Battlepass Pathways

Initially, every player on our server can access the path which is called, “First Inclusion” This is the basic BattlePass which has 101 levels full of valuable prizes.

Battlepass Pathways

In order to gain access to the “Wrong Turn” pathway (126 premium rewards) and “Crucial Moments” pathway (250 premium rewards), you must obtain all rewards from the “First Inclusion” basic pathway.


Speaking of quests! Tasks have remained simple to complete. For example, daily tasks can be completed in no time at all while still earning money. If you find you cannot complete a task, you now have the option to skip it for in-game currency (Aswell as GC like in previous battlepasses) In addition, you will earn in-game money from completing a Battlepass Task.

It's now possible to change the assignment


Before the last BattlePass season ended – we calculated the value of all the prizes. It turned out to be a huge amount!. A lot of clothes, various accessories, cars etc… The total amount of prizes for passing all levels amounted to about $150.000.000!

We really hope you enjoy the summer BattlePass. The update is already live on all servers. Learn more about it on the official YouTube channel. We are waiting for you!