Boss System

A boss system has been added. For defeating the bosses you will receive valuable prizes.
Bosses can be attacked with diamonds or weapons, which you can buy in the store.
Each boss has a different amount of health and different rewards, so weight your strengths before attacking them.

There are three types of bosses in total:

  1. Personal bosses.
  2. Family bosses.
  3. World Boss.

Personal bosses you have to kill them without anyone’s help.

Family bosses are killed with family members, the prize goes to the player who gets the most damage, but each player who does damage gets money equivalent to the damage he/she gave.

A world boss works in the same way as a family boss, but applies to the entire server.
Once the boss was attacked – a timer runs for 24 hours if you do not manage to kill him you will lose all of the resources which you invested in his killing.

Summer event

Added new summer event 2023. In this event you need to collect seashells.
Shells you can exchange them for valuable prizes in the store of the event.

You can get seashells for:

  1. Once an hour a large seashell comes down from the sky, the first person to pick it up will get a large amount of seashells.
  2. There are aggressive bodybuilders all over the state, for killing each bodybuilder you will get seashells.
  3. Every 2 hours (at 30 minutes) starts a sand battle, you get randomly selected in the team, the battle goes on for 10 minutes, at the end all members of the winning team get shells.
  4. Buy a shovel in store 24/7 and start digging sand, from sand you can make sand figures (to create in craft, in inventory), within 3 hours you need to build these statues, after that you will take from them shells.
  5. Each played hour you will get shells.
  6. You can exchange resources for shells.

New interiors for Gangs

Interiors for all gangs have been added.