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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
My EN3 ID is 1024.
Players nickname
Thunder Verlicee
Administrators nickname
Bobby Pluxury
Apr 19, 2024

Thunder Verlicee

Apr 19, 2024
Good afternoon,

The reason why I'm writing on this forum is because this is the only section where I can assign it to the Curator of the Project. I am aware that it's the wrong section however there is no other way to get Mazhor's attention. I've tried to contact both Bobby Pluxury & Mazhor Pluxury but got no response back.

I have appealed my blacklist on the EN3 server twice now, got told its not appealable and received a blacklist from the forum instantly without any warnings for ''spamming''. Thus, I am forced to create a new forum account and try again here. Now the reason why I keep trying to appeal this is because this is an unfair and incorrect decision given by the Chief Admin on the EN3 server. Anyone who reviews the forum that lead to my blacklist will 100% realize it's a false punishment and should not have been issued at all without any doubt. I will leave the thread here for Mazhor or even any higher up admin to have a look at if you wish because believe me, this is an interesting decision. Reviewed - Toxicity/Targeting | ID: 950.

The complaint was even made by my friend against someone else and as you can see in the thread, there is 0 evidence of me targeting whatsoever because I simply did not do it, that's why I am curious about the reason behind the blacklist. I even have a good punishment history on the EN3 server, which prooves that I do not engage in such acts. I even admitted to twinking when I found out about it to an admin called ''Ace Galante'' on the EN3 server (feel free to ask him aswell) just so I can apply for administration in the future. I would really appreciate it if Mazhor could review this or ask Bobby for evidence because this is really, really interesting and upsetting. I just simply cant let it go and forget about it when it's 100% a false blacklist. Once again, I understand that it's in the wrong section but please take 5 minutes of your time and investigate about this matter because trust me when I say this, this will be worth the effort. I have 1 wish, at the end of the day you are free to reject this appeal for wrong section and forget about it, but if you truly care, please spare some of your time and have a look, I highly appreciate it.

Alex Odd

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021

Thunder Verlicee

Apr 19, 2024
Let's also not forget about this thread that was 1 year ago Reviewed - Mass Targeting/provoking id 950 I Bobby Pluxury where Aiden Pluxury (ID 950) got reported for targeting/toxicity by another player and it ended up being rejected and Bobby giving him a warning, this prooves that this isn't the first time this guy targets, but why did I not get a warning even though my punishment history is good and this is the first time this happens? Bobby, all I'm asking you is to show evidence of me targeting that deserves a blacklist.

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Not appealable, further spamming this topic will lead to your forum acc being blacklisted as well!
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