did this twice admin aki was watching look at link below
Bucky Mayt Player Player Joined Aug 13, 2021 Messages 137 Sep 17, 2021 #1 did this twice admin aki was watching look at link below
A Aki Pluxury Player Player Joined Jun 2, 2021 Messages 959 Sep 17, 2021 #2 Upon reviewing the evidence, I cannot conclude this report at this time. requesting POV of ID 35941 of this situation(provide POV of at least 1 minute) they have 6 hours to respond.
Upon reviewing the evidence, I cannot conclude this report at this time. requesting POV of ID 35941 of this situation(provide POV of at least 1 minute) they have 6 hours to respond.
Zema Amore twitch.tv/babyzemaa Player Joined Jun 14, 2021 Messages 1,255 Sep 18, 2021 #3 Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Deny this report. I do not see failRP considering he accepts the heal. Please remake the report with POV 30 seconds before this if there was failRP before this point.
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Deny this report. I do not see failRP considering he accepts the heal. Please remake the report with POV 30 seconds before this if there was failRP before this point.