Blocked for general rule 6.19
6.19 F-words and N-words are restricted. | Ban 1-3 days
Can i see proofs of what i said and where i said it ? Theres no thread or anything. Im aware of this rule and try my best to stay clear of it, so my i please see the evidence of me breaking said rule ? If i did i do apologize but i do not recall saying this as i would of been ready for the ban.
6.19 F-words and N-words are restricted. | Ban 1-3 days
Can i see proofs of what i said and where i said it ? Theres no thread or anything. Im aware of this rule and try my best to stay clear of it, so my i please see the evidence of me breaking said rule ? If i did i do apologize but i do not recall saying this as i would of been ready for the ban.