He killed me in clothes store.
B Blueshoot Player Player Joined Sep 19, 2021 Messages 4 Sep 19, 2021 #1 He killed me in clothes store.
A Aki Pluxury Player Player Joined Jun 2, 2021 Messages 959 Sep 19, 2021 #2 Upon reviewing the evidence, I cannot conclude this report at this time. provide a POV of at least 1 minute (provide from when u came to the clothing store) you have 8 hours to respond.
Upon reviewing the evidence, I cannot conclude this report at this time. provide a POV of at least 1 minute (provide from when u came to the clothing store) you have 8 hours to respond.
B Blueshoot Player Player Joined Sep 19, 2021 Messages 4 Sep 19, 2021 #3 As you can see at the beginning of the video, when he starts to shoot, I shoot her so that he goes away, he waits for me to get enough and kills me
As you can see at the beginning of the video, when he starts to shoot, I shoot her so that he goes away, he waits for me to get enough and kills me
A Aki Pluxury Player Player Joined Jun 2, 2021 Messages 959 Sep 19, 2021 #4 Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report ID 28371 will receive a punishment for RDM in GZ
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report ID 28371 will receive a punishment for RDM in GZ