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Phil McCrackin

May 18, 2021
Name: Phil McCrackin

Gender: Male
Age: 23
DOB: 02/10/1998
Nationality: Swedish-American
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Birth: San Diego, CA
Residence: Los Santos, San Andreas
Parents: Vicki Kay McCrackin (Deceased) & Richard Phillip McCrackin
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 195LBS
Body Type: Muscular
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde

As a young child Phil and his family lived on a ranch in the outskirts of San Diego. His mother was a trauma surgeon at the veterinary hospital in town and past down almost everything she knew to her son. Everything from basic CPR up to how to dislodge a bullet and stitch up the bullet wound. This is also when Phil’s dad taught him to hunt deer and skeet shoot clay pigeons. Phil would compete in junior tournaments for skeet shooting until he was 15 and his family moved further into the city after his father decided to startup his own construction company. Sadly his mother passed away only a few years before this due to what they thought was suicide. However when Phil gets older he finds out the real reason for his mother’s death...

Teenage years:
Phil and his father moved into the city to further grow and expand his fathers construction company, “McCrackin Construction.” Transferring to a different school district is usually a problem for kids since they don’t know anyone. However, this was not an issue for Phil. His outgoing personality and sense of humor makes him a beacon for new friends. He not only become popular quickly because of his personality but also because he was a 3 sport all star athlete. Cross country, basketball and Track. This would help him get a scholarship to the nearest University to get his bachelors degree in finance with a minor in economics. While in college he met a group of friends in the technology department while studying in the library. This friend group was working on a camera the size of a button that could constantly record or record 5 minutes before it was activated. They included Phil in their group due to his contagious personality. He would go on to work towards his masters in finance and work for his father while doing so. Unfortunately, his father unknowingly had gotten caught up with the wrong people in some business deals...

Near Present:
His father was relatively new to the construction business and was not aware of who he was getting into business with. These people were associated with the Mob and had gotten Phil’s father trapped in some serious debt. They were threatening to “teach his father a lesson” when a man named Brendan Mathers and his entourage came in and stopped them. Little did these people know is that Phil had met Brendan Mathers while he was in EMS. They became close friends and with Phil’s extensive knowledge of finances had figured out what was going on. He then asked for Brendans help since he knew Brendans ties to the mob were very respected. This situation not only saved his fathers life but also wiped his debt clean and Brendan Mathers also offered to give Phil a job as part of his family.

-Phil is not afraid of gunfire unless it is at him or in his vicinity due to him being surrounded by guns in his childhood.
-Phil can heal anyone due to his mother’s teachings as a child and his role in EMS.
-Phil can use his extensive knowledge of Finance and Economics to find loopholes in the buying and selling process without repercussion.
-Phil also has a button body cam that can record 5 min before it was activated or be set to constantly recorded due to his friends in college.
-Due to his friendly personality, Phil is able to try and talk him self out of almost any situation within reason.
Last edited:

Phil McCrackin

May 18, 2021
i have recently updated the Biography to reflect more current events that have happened to Phil and have tweaked his outcomes.

Sam Pluxury

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
your updated BIO result as been decided so that bio will be in work now this bio will be inside rejected section
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