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Rejected Application for Leader of National Guard- Ivan Garfield.

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Jim Kirigaya

Jai shree Ram 😎
Feb 15, 2022


1. Your name IRL: Sujay Kashyap
2. Your age: 22
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 Hours
5. Your Discord: Ivan Garfield#2771
6. Your Nickname: Ivan Garfield
7. Your ID: 80295

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

As I’ve been a member of the National Guard for the last 3 terms(Lewis, Drake and Richard) and gave my services as Head of US Marshall regiment and completed all my tasks on time and led multiple Patroling of Economical Influence Zone and all other stuff such as combat training, providing security system in capitol during court trial system e.t.c .After having that position I have given my 100% to make sure that we have disciplined and well trained units in National Guard. I always wanted to change many system in national guard and wants to make it always on top.

Currently National Guard is in it’s best shape though I would still want to make some changes for example:
  • Recruitment Team - Will apoint a guy who is active many time and has the capability to do his work as being the head of recruitment and make sure his department is working well. Recruitment team will make sure that all the unit, everyone even a single units is well trained and has all knowledge about ng and its working.
  • Currently the Special forces division is the best and I would want him to continue and help me in my run with his suggestions on how to improve things around because of his experience in the city and within NG.
  • The Homeland security department is doing good right now but I would try to make it possible that they interact with FIB on a daily basis to get more important intel on different things which could help NG protect the base, and to check for corruption and other things, and the US Marshals should keep continuing the patrol around the EIZ and make sure its in safe hand.
  • The Air National Guard Division is also performing well right now, but in my term I would carry on with the same things that we must have specific pilots for ANG who can take off and drop troops in the field and after that mission is concluded they would go back and take them.
  • Coming on Promotion, everyone will get their promotion based on their work and their duty towards National Guard. As being the leader i will make sure we have a perfect team of Military police who will keep an eye on the units works. Every one will get single or double sometimes triple promotion based on their performance.
  • I will be conducting every day, training so that my soldiers never get bored or feels lazy so i will make them busy in their job.
  • Gonna give them nice amount of bonus for gate keeping etc. Particular task will be given bonuses.
  • Every Units will be trained for their decision making situation like if no higher ups are their, Units are supposed to have proper decision taking skills so that they can handle the base.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization:
  • Bodycam checks by Military Police randomly and to make sure everyone have their body cams on even if they are just doing gate duties (Last 5 minutes)
  • Training everyone in the national guard about the use of PDA as many of the NCO’s need that training also about a few things.
  • Active use of radio and only important things to be transmitted through the radio while on raid hours.
  • NCO’s and CO’s would be responsible for the troops on their duty timings, for example if there is a NCO on-duty and multiple troops he would be responsible to give them orders regarding gate duties and guarding the base, and to communicate with anyone regarding any situation same goes for CO if a CO is on-duty he would be responsible for everyone going on the base.
  • NCO’s and CO’s would have to focus on laws getting sanctioned by the government and to check what’s going on in the city and in the county.
  • Focus on the quality of National Guard members rather than the quantity.
  • US Marshalls to keep strict patroling per day.
  • IAA department to keep performing undercover works and submit the case file to the generals office and FIB director's Office.
  • SASD should be given hard training as being a Special force and practice shooting, combat and driving training every days or in a week 4 times patroling should be their
  • Military Police to keep eye on units performance and report their observation to General. Only deserving candidates to be given a single or double or triple in case...
  • Airforce to train their pilot and perform scouting during the raid hours and work naturally as usual.
  • Ammorun to be conducted in a proper RP way and Convoy training every 3 times in week would be given.
Ivan Garfield
Head of US Marshall
Homeland Security

Ashura Evans

Oct 13, 2021


1. Your name IRL: Sujay Kashyap
2. Your age: 22
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 Hours
5. Your Discord: Ivan Garfield#2771
6. Your Nickname: Ivan Garfield
7. Your ID: 80295

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

As I’ve been a member of the National Guard for the last 3 terms(Lewis, Drake and Richard) and gave my services as Head of US Marshall regiment and completed all my tasks on time and led multiple Patroling of Economical Influence Zone and all other stuff such as combat training, providing security system in capitol during court trial system e.t.c .After having that position I have given my 100% to make sure that we have disciplined and well trained units in National Guard. I always wanted to change many system in national guard and wants to make it always on top.

Currently National Guard is in it’s best shape though I would still want to make some changes for example:
  • Recruitment Team - Will apoint a guy who is active many time and has the capability to do his work as being the head of recruitment and make sure his department is working well. Recruitment team will make sure that all the unit, everyone even a single units is well trained and has all knowledge about ng and its working.
  • Currently the Special forces division is the best and I would want him to continue and help me in my run with his suggestions on how to improve things around because of his experience in the city and within NG.
  • The Homeland security department is doing good right now but I would try to make it possible that they interact with FIB on a daily basis to get more important intel on different things which could help NG protect the base, and to check for corruption and other things, and the US Marshals should keep continuing the patrol around the EIZ and make sure its in safe hand.
  • The Air National Guard Division is also performing well right now, but in my term I would carry on with the same things that we must have specific pilots for ANG who can take off and drop troops in the field and after that mission is concluded they would go back and take them.
  • Coming on Promotion, everyone will get their promotion based on their work and their duty towards National Guard. As being the leader i will make sure we have a perfect team of Military police who will keep an eye on the units works. Every one will get single or double sometimes triple promotion based on their performance.
  • I will be conducting every day, training so that my soldiers never get bored or feels lazy so i will make them busy in their job.
  • Gonna give them nice amount of bonus for gate keeping etc. Particular task will be given bonuses.
  • Every Units will be trained for their decision making situation like if no higher ups are their, Units are supposed to have proper decision taking skills so that they can handle the base.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization:
  • Bodycam checks by Military Police randomly and to make sure everyone have their body cams on even if they are just doing gate duties (Last 5 minutes)
  • Training everyone in the national guard about the use of PDA as many of the NCO’s need that training also about a few things.
  • Active use of radio and only important things to be transmitted through the radio while on raid hours.
  • NCO’s and CO’s would be responsible for the troops on their duty timings, for example if there is a NCO on-duty and multiple troops he would be responsible to give them orders regarding gate duties and guarding the base, and to communicate with anyone regarding any situation same goes for CO if a CO is on-duty he would be responsible for everyone going on the base.
  • NCO’s and CO’s would have to focus on laws getting sanctioned by the government and to check what’s going on in the city and in the county.
  • Focus on the quality of National Guard members rather than the quantity.
  • US Marshalls to keep strict patroling per day.
  • IAA department to keep performing undercover works and submit the case file to the generals office and FIB director's Office.
  • SASD should be given hard training as being a Special force and practice shooting, combat and driving training every days or in a week 4 times patroling should be their
  • Military Police to keep eye on units performance and report their observation to General. Only deserving candidates to be given a single or double or triple in case...
  • Airforce to train their pilot and perform scouting during the raid hours and work naturally as usual.
  • Ammorun to be conducted in a proper RP way and Convoy training every 3 times in week would be given.
Ivan Garfield
Head of US Marshall
Homeland Security
+1 GL

Ahmed Casanova

Oct 27, 2021


1. Your name IRL: Sujay Kashyap
2. Your age: 22
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 Hours
5. Your Discord: Ivan Garfield#2771
6. Your Nickname: Ivan Garfield
7. Your ID: 80295

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

As I’ve been a member of the National Guard for the last 3 terms(Lewis, Drake and Richard) and gave my services as Head of US Marshall regiment and completed all my tasks on time and led multiple Patroling of Economical Influence Zone and all other stuff such as combat training, providing security system in capitol during court trial system e.t.c .After having that position I have given my 100% to make sure that we have disciplined and well trained units in National Guard. I always wanted to change many system in national guard and wants to make it always on top.

Currently National Guard is in it’s best shape though I would still want to make some changes for example:
  • Recruitment Team - Will apoint a guy who is active many time and has the capability to do his work as being the head of recruitment and make sure his department is working well. Recruitment team will make sure that all the unit, everyone even a single units is well trained and has all knowledge about ng and its working.
  • Currently the Special forces division is the best and I would want him to continue and help me in my run with his suggestions on how to improve things around because of his experience in the city and within NG.
  • The Homeland security department is doing good right now but I would try to make it possible that they interact with FIB on a daily basis to get more important intel on different things which could help NG protect the base, and to check for corruption and other things, and the US Marshals should keep continuing the patrol around the EIZ and make sure its in safe hand.
  • The Air National Guard Division is also performing well right now, but in my term I would carry on with the same things that we must have specific pilots for ANG who can take off and drop troops in the field and after that mission is concluded they would go back and take them.
  • Coming on Promotion, everyone will get their promotion based on their work and their duty towards National Guard. As being the leader i will make sure we have a perfect team of Military police who will keep an eye on the units works. Every one will get single or double sometimes triple promotion based on their performance.
  • I will be conducting every day, training so that my soldiers never get bored or feels lazy so i will make them busy in their job.
  • Gonna give them nice amount of bonus for gate keeping etc. Particular task will be given bonuses.
  • Every Units will be trained for their decision making situation like if no higher ups are their, Units are supposed to have proper decision taking skills so that they can handle the base.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization:
  • Bodycam checks by Military Police randomly and to make sure everyone have their body cams on even if they are just doing gate duties (Last 5 minutes)
  • Training everyone in the national guard about the use of PDA as many of the NCO’s need that training also about a few things.
  • Active use of radio and only important things to be transmitted through the radio while on raid hours.
  • NCO’s and CO’s would be responsible for the troops on their duty timings, for example if there is a NCO on-duty and multiple troops he would be responsible to give them orders regarding gate duties and guarding the base, and to communicate with anyone regarding any situation same goes for CO if a CO is on-duty he would be responsible for everyone going on the base.
  • NCO’s and CO’s would have to focus on laws getting sanctioned by the government and to check what’s going on in the city and in the county.
  • Focus on the quality of National Guard members rather than the quantity.
  • US Marshalls to keep strict patroling per day.
  • IAA department to keep performing undercover works and submit the case file to the generals office and FIB director's Office.
  • SASD should be given hard training as being a Special force and practice shooting, combat and driving training every days or in a week 4 times patroling should be their
  • Military Police to keep eye on units performance and report their observation to General. Only deserving candidates to be given a single or double or triple in case...
  • Airforce to train their pilot and perform scouting during the raid hours and work naturally as usual.
  • Ammorun to be conducted in a proper RP way and Convoy training every 3 times in week would be given.
Ivan Garfield
Head of US Marshall
Homeland Security
+1 From Me


Feb 15, 2022


1. Your name IRL: Sujay Kashyap
2. Your age: 22
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-8 Hours
5. Your Discord: Ivan Garfield#2771
6. Your Nickname: Ivan Garfield
7. Your ID: 80295

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

As I’ve been a member of the National Guard for the last 3 terms(Lewis, Drake and Richard) and gave my services as Head of US Marshall regiment and completed all my tasks on time and led multiple Patroling of Economical Influence Zone and all other stuff such as combat training, providing security system in capitol during court trial system e.t.c .After having that position I have given my 100% to make sure that we have disciplined and well trained units in National Guard. I always wanted to change many system in national guard and wants to make it always on top.

Currently National Guard is in it’s best shape though I would still want to make some changes for example:
  • Recruitment Team - Will apoint a guy who is active many time and has the capability to do his work as being the head of recruitment and make sure his department is working well. Recruitment team will make sure that all the unit, everyone even a single units is well trained and has all knowledge about ng and its working.
  • Currently the Special forces division is the best and I would want him to continue and help me in my run with his suggestions on how to improve things around because of his experience in the city and within NG.
  • The Homeland security department is doing good right now but I would try to make it possible that they interact with FIB on a daily basis to get more important intel on different things which could help NG protect the base, and to check for corruption and other things, and the US Marshals should keep continuing the patrol around the EIZ and make sure its in safe hand.
  • The Air National Guard Division is also performing well right now, but in my term I would carry on with the same things that we must have specific pilots for ANG who can take off and drop troops in the field and after that mission is concluded they would go back and take them.
  • Coming on Promotion, everyone will get their promotion based on their work and their duty towards National Guard. As being the leader i will make sure we have a perfect team of Military police who will keep an eye on the units works. Every one will get single or double sometimes triple promotion based on their performance.
  • I will be conducting every day, training so that my soldiers never get bored or feels lazy so i will make them busy in their job.
  • Gonna give them nice amount of bonus for gate keeping etc. Particular task will be given bonuses.
  • Every Units will be trained for their decision making situation like if no higher ups are their, Units are supposed to have proper decision taking skills so that they can handle the base.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization:
  • Bodycam checks by Military Police randomly and to make sure everyone have their body cams on even if they are just doing gate duties (Last 5 minutes)
  • Training everyone in the national guard about the use of PDA as many of the NCO’s need that training also about a few things.
  • Active use of radio and only important things to be transmitted through the radio while on raid hours.
  • NCO’s and CO’s would be responsible for the troops on their duty timings, for example if there is a NCO on-duty and multiple troops he would be responsible to give them orders regarding gate duties and guarding the base, and to communicate with anyone regarding any situation same goes for CO if a CO is on-duty he would be responsible for everyone going on the base.
  • NCO’s and CO’s would have to focus on laws getting sanctioned by the government and to check what’s going on in the city and in the county.
  • Focus on the quality of National Guard members rather than the quantity.
  • US Marshalls to keep strict patroling per day.
  • IAA department to keep performing undercover works and submit the case file to the generals office and FIB director's Office.
  • SASD should be given hard training as being a Special force and practice shooting, combat and driving training every days or in a week 4 times patroling should be their
  • Military Police to keep eye on units performance and report their observation to General. Only deserving candidates to be given a single or double or triple in case...
  • Airforce to train their pilot and perform scouting during the raid hours and work naturally as usual.
  • Ammorun to be conducted in a proper RP way and Convoy training every 3 times in week would be given.
Ivan Garfield
Head of US Marshall
Homeland Security
make him the leader he is best for National Guard


Be toxic don't expect respect back :)
Oct 7, 2021
+1 has my rep I would trust him with leading the National Guard


John Lark

Just a stranger
Aug 6, 2021
Copy pasted from another application
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