I came to Blue HQ upon the instruction of a Crip I met who recruited me, named Mustafa( discord name Musse). We played for about 7 hours yesterday, farming and working together. He was showing me the ropes and teaching me server mechanics. He told me to come to HQ today to look for him and speak to his high command to do a bit of RP. Upon reaching the HQ and asking for high command I was spoken to by someone who I assumed was High Command. He told me Mustafa did not recruit me and that I was not a prospect going to be in Crips. I followed demands and even asked them if they wanted me to go ahead and take off the blue shirt, which he said yes, and then I did. Upon getting annoyed I decided to leave, in which I was deathmatched. No demands were given to me. This is Deathmatch, Immersion, and power gaming all in one. This is the type of roleplay i can expect form a high tier gang on this server?
Tyrone Barter
Tyrone Barter