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Jul 8, 2022

Family Name: Venus
Leader: Tazy Venus | 121417
House Number: 1125
Leader's Discord: @ayano#3629
Leader's Forum: Tazy Tatsuya

Family Story
We all know the planet Venus. That's where we come from. It's pretty similar to Earth, just not as populated, so we have cities just like this one. It all started when some friends were about to attend an event just like in Los Santos, we were all geared up and ready to go. But right as it was starting, something went wrong. For us at least. The whole sky became a purple-ish color, and just got darker and darker in just seconds. Before we know it, everything changes. The sky is back to normal, but it's a different world, a whole different planet. No one knows what just happened. There was no one around us, we seemed to be all alone, so we started to wander around. We notice more and more people the further into the city we go, and we realize that we must be on planet Earth. We reach the main part of the city and find a helpful civilian who we ask what planet we are on, and very well, we were on Earth. We had no idea how we got here, but somehow it was possible. We don't know if we are able to get back to our beloved planet Venus sometime, but for now we decided to start our own family, to learn more about planet Earth and to teach about planet Venus. So far, we have learned a lot, and that is why we feel ready to be an unofficial organization, to learn even more about this planet. We would love to spread and teach the ways of friendship and love in our new home, like we got taught to do where we grew up. It is a very important part of us.

1. Pluto
2. Neptune
3. Uranus
4. Saturn
5. Jupiter
6. Mars
7. Earth
8. Mercury
9. Venus
10. Universe

1. No toxicity within the family.
2. Do not break the server rules.
3. Respect the high command, but at the same time we are also all equal.
4. No causing issues with other families whilst at event areas.
5. Respect that everyone has different goals in the city and not punish people for not attending events.
6. No stealing from the family. (Including Business profits).
7. Respect one another.
8. No kind of Harassment will be tolerated to anyone.

Family Goals
1. To teach new players the rules and ways of the city and create a well trusted family.
2. Reach the top 25 within 2 months.
3. Become one of the most respected and feared families in the city.
4. Making money together as a family and spreading our money amongst all members.

Family Outfit Shirt
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Bl sarvar

i love my someone
Feb 26, 2022

Family Name: Venus
Leader: Tazy Venus | 121417
House Number: 1125
Leader's Discord: @kae#6546
Leader's Forum: Tazy

Family Story
We all know the planet Venus. That's where we come from. It's pretty similar to Earth, just not as populated, so we have cities just like this one. It all started when some friends were about to attend an event just like in Los Santos, we were all geared up and ready to go. But right as it was starting, something went wrong. For us at least. The whole sky became a purple-ish color, and just got darker and darker in just seconds. Before we know it, everything changes. The sky is back to normal, but it's a different world, a whole different planet. No one knows what just happened. There was no one around us, we seemed to be all alone, so we started to wander around. We notice more and more people the further into the city we go, and we realize that we must be on planet Earth. We reach the main part of the city and find a helpful civilian who we ask what planet we are on, and very well, we were on Earth. We had no idea how we got here, but somehow it was possible. We don't know if we are able to get back to our beloved planet Venus sometime, but for now we decided to start our own family, to learn more about planet Earth and to teach about planet Venus. So far, we have learned a lot, and that is why we feel ready to be an unofficial organization, to learn even more about this planet. We would love to spread and teach the ways of friendship and love in our new home, like we got taught to do where we grew up. It is a very important part of us.

1. Pluto
2. Neptune
3. Uranus
4. Saturn
5. Jupiter
6. Mars
7. Earth
8. Mercury
9. Venus
10. Universe

1. No toxicity within the family.
2. Do not break the server rules.
3. Respect the high command, but at the same time we are also all equal.
4. No causing issues with other families whilst at event areas.
5. Respect that everyone has different goals in the city and not punish people for not attending events.
6. No stealing from the family. (Including Business profits).
7. Respect one another.
8. No kind of Harassment will be tolerated to anyone.

Family Goals
1. To teach new players the rules and ways of the city and create a well trusted family.
2. Reach the top 25 within 2 months.
3. Become one of the most respected and feared families in the city.
4. Making money together as a family and spreading our money amongst all members.

Family Outfit Shirt

Sylas Abi

Dec 21, 2021

Family Name: Venus
Leader: Tazy Venus | 121417
House Number: 1125
Leader's Discord: @kae#6546
Leader's Forum: Tazy

Family Story
We all know the planet Venus. That's where we come from. It's pretty similar to Earth, just not as populated, so we have cities just like this one. It all started when some friends were about to attend an event just like in Los Santos, we were all geared up and ready to go. But right as it was starting, something went wrong. For us at least. The whole sky became a purple-ish color, and just got darker and darker in just seconds. Before we know it, everything changes. The sky is back to normal, but it's a different world, a whole different planet. No one knows what just happened. There was no one around us, we seemed to be all alone, so we started to wander around. We notice more and more people the further into the city we go, and we realize that we must be on planet Earth. We reach the main part of the city and find a helpful civilian who we ask what planet we are on, and very well, we were on Earth. We had no idea how we got here, but somehow it was possible. We don't know if we are able to get back to our beloved planet Venus sometime, but for now we decided to start our own family, to learn more about planet Earth and to teach about planet Venus. So far, we have learned a lot, and that is why we feel ready to be an unofficial organization, to learn even more about this planet. We would love to spread and teach the ways of friendship and love in our new home, like we got taught to do where we grew up. It is a very important part of us.

1. Plüton
2. Neptün
3. Uranüs
4. Satürn
5. Jüpiter
6. Mars
7. Dünya
8. Merkür
9. Venüs
10. Evren

1. Aile içinde toksisite yok.
2. Sunucu kurallarını ihlal etmeyin.
3. Yüksek komuta saygı gösterin, ancak aynı zamanda hepimiz eşitiz.
4. Etkinlik alanlarında diğer ailelerle sorun çıkarmamak.
5. Şehirde herkesin farklı hedefleri olduğuna saygı duymak ve etkinliklere katılmayanları cezalandırmamak.
6. Aileden çalmak yok. (İş karları dahil).
7. Birbirinize saygı gösterin.
8. Hiç kimseye hiçbir Taciz hoş görülmeyecektir.

Aile Hedefleri
1. Yeni oyunculara şehrin kurallarını ve yollarını öğretmek ve güvenilir bir aile oluşturmak.
2. 2 ay içinde ilk 25'e ulaşın.
3. Şehrin en saygın ve korkulan ailelerinden biri olun.
4. Ailece birlikte para kazanmak ve paramızı tüm üyeler arasında yaymak.

Aile Kıyafeti Gömlek

Adham Pluxury

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
Jan 21, 2022
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