1. Darshil
2. 18
3. GMT +5:30
4. 6-8 Hours
5. kingdarshil
6. Darshil Love
7. 99605
*Additional information*
1. Leader of LPSD
2. Why you want to be leader of specific org:
First: I want to be leader of LSPD because I have worked in State Orgs in my whole carrier only I know how we can run an Organisation perfectly because I am not biased like others who will let their friends go away with shit, I will get justice in Every Department of LSPD as well as I have worked in LSPD for 1 Term and it was perfect, in my opinion people will only join your organisation and they will only respect you when you respect them and be nice to them However I have seen a lot of leaders who just don’t do anything after becoming leader but for me I am ready to go with my units in Petroling to make them Cheer Up and serious, I am a military guy and yes I take discipline as well as feelings seriously that’s why I think I am capable of becoming a leader of LSPD,To be very honest I have literally gave commands to High Ranks in other organisations so I think I am Capable!
Second: People from a long time who are working in LSPD just only thinks we are normal police officers who are just to make tickets but we are not, Whole Los Santos is our area no one can or even think to do an ATM robbery when we are their because they don’t know some police officers are the best shooters In LSPD I have seen good people facing nepotism like they do their duty as hard as they can but still they don’t get a promotion or respect, for me I am gonna do a Employee of the week I am gonna help out Good Officers to reach the rank they deserve.
Third: I have been working in State Organisations from last few months and I have learned alot from so many people specially Daryll Scott, when I was in his term he teached me alot about everything like Laws, state rule , etc even people in city who are in state organisations doesn’t know we can arrest people for committing crimes like punching for no reason, not showing passport and so on. There are so many penal codes which people doesn’t know in city all they can do is Illegal Firearms and murder of a Leo but trust me their is a lot of Charges which you guys ignore!
I can help out everyone who join the organisation with Laws with My Honorable Deputy Daryll Scott if I become leader!
3. My advice for improving roleplay:
organisation member should know that everyone is proffeisonal while on duty, they should know how to tackle anyone and yes I am gonna ensure all officers are going aloud with the rules of the city. Create good roleplay scenarios with gangs of the city and even with state organisations. I have been an HR in every org so I am gonna ensure that too that everyone who is new comer in city or new comer in LSPD to get along with everything in his training!
HR (Human Resources): calm and good officers who can train new comers in LSPD to put their best for their organisation as well as RolePlay.
IA (Internal Affairs): strict and careful officers who can give strikes to people who do mistakes wheather its a HighCommand or not.
GPU (Ground Patrol Unit): best drivers who can pull over suspects as well as people who speed on roads.
SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics): Best Clappers who are gonna help out GPU as well as DU while giving them cover and good saving other people (secret: SWAT is the best)
DU (Detective Unit): intelligent officers who and go investigatation about other officers and criminals so everything is balanced in city.
APU (Airpatrol Unit): Best Pilots who are gonna give their best to reach GLOBAL and LOCALS as well as they gonna assist every officer in LSPD!
Rank System -
30. Chief
29. Deputy Chief
28. Assistant Chief
27. Chief of staff
26. Head of department
25. Deputy Head of Department
24. Senior Commander
23. Senior Lieutenant
22. Senior Air Patrol Unit
21. Senior Corporal
20. Senior Private
19. Master Commander
18. Master Lieutenant
17. Master Air Patrol Unit
16. Master Corporal
15. Master Private
14. Major Commander
13. Major Lieutenant
12. Major Air Patrol Unit
11. Major Corporal
10. Major Private
9. Junior Commander
8. Junior Lieutenant
7. Junior Air Patrol Unit
6. Junior Corporal
5. Junior Private
4. Officer
3. Trainee
2. On LOA
1. Suspended
My Honorable Deputies will be:
102: Daryll Scott
103: Cam Walker
Signed: Darshil Love

LSPD is a Beautiful Organisation!