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IMPORTANT Applications for LSPD

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Ishan Federal

LEOs Always on TOP!!! <3
Jun 30, 2021

1. Your name IRL

Ans: Jyotirmoy Dhani
2. Your age
Ans: 18.
3. Time zone
Ans: GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day
Ans: 6-8 HRs
5. Your Discord
Ans: ishan_izz_live
6. Your Nickname
Ans: Ishan Federal
7. Your ID
Ans: 2993

Additional information

- 1. Leader of...

Ans: Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

- 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
i) I had worked in LSPD for a very long time and throughout that time I had met several executives and gained insight into how they run their organizations.

ii) The city's center can be said to be LSPD. When any new civilian needs any help, LSPD is the first thing on their mind. And for those who choose to join a state organization, LSPD is the first place they look. People in the city call the LSPD when they need assistance. I aim to make interacting with LSPD a very positive experience. Selected members will greet guests in a very professional manner, and training guarantees that every officer assisting a civilian will act honorably and make an effort to resolve their issues. in order for the public-service relationship to be given top priority and for no visitor to the LSPD reception to be left disappointed.

iii) Within the LSPD, new members who move to the city are interested in gaining a positive legal organization experience. When considering serving the state, my organization, LSPD, is the first that comes to mind for everyone. There will be respect for each and every citizen and police. In addition, I will guarantee that the issues of all the recently admitted citizens will be promptly resolved and that they will never be disregarded.

iv) Since the Los Santos Police Department is one of the founding organizations and is therefore essential to the city, I believe the chief of the department has a lot of responsibility when it comes to guiding, battling, and triumphing.

v) 3. Two crucial departments are FTO and IA:...
FTO: I'm always up for new ideas, and one that was presented to me was to give the newcomers a test and assign a fitting rank based on their performance, such as patrol officer 1, 2, or 3 - (20 to 40), corporal. Expert novices will find this helpful as it allows them to rank higher right away rather than having to work their way up through the typical initial levels.
For each student they teach, FTO Officers will get a handsome bonus—perfectly! However, the officer who trained him or her can receive a strike if I see that they are not well-trained.
IA: I want the Internal Affair department to concentrate mostly on corruption, ensuring that all police officers maintain accurate logs at all times, and verifying the licenses of officers.

- 3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
i> I want to make sure that all new recruits to the LSPD go through an intense training course where they learn how to properly RP situations out. For instance, we'll instruct less experienced players on how to engage with other players and make the game engaging for all users.

ii> I will enforce Human Resources department to follow the appropriate training method and make regular announcements about various state and internal regulations that are frequently ignored. This way, when an officer is taught, they will be familiar with these rules by memory.

iii> Rather of scheduling weekly meetings with all department heads, I would personally call the meetings and we would hold them without the use of VCs in the mail, which would be detrimental to RP. Furthermore, I will make sure that no one communicates in the city via VCs, which will improve the RP's quality as well.

iv> Additionally, I want to collaborate closely with other organizations like NG (Combined Training Sessions), SAHP (Special Highway Patrols), and FIB (Joint Operations). By doing this and upholding positive relationships with all organizations, the LSPD (as well as other organizations) will be able to win events and elevate their overall level of policing.

v> If an officer, even after being informed about the role-play, does not follow correct protocol, they will receive the fastest strike.

vi> Since I think the curators have the most expertise and understanding and are most suited to help the term succeed, I will also make sure to heed all of their directions and suggestions.

Martina Kingsman

Dec 25, 2022
Applications for LSPD Leaders are now CLOSED
The following players have been selected for LSPD Leader interviews at 15:00 Server Time on (Thursday , 16th May)

Arvind Singh (122341) - rawat0717

Micheal Mayors(141929) - micheal2959
Marky Tzariar (113465) - shohag01

Thank You to All For Applying and Best Wishes.

Chetan GSuralkar

May 12, 2024
3. India 5:30+
6 . chetan xooxo
7. 151641
Leader of LSPD
2. Because I want to gain experience of leadership in grand rp it will be helpful to me
3.there is no any advice because grand rp is perfect

Sanku Notorius

May 5, 2023
1. Your name IRL

Ans: Sankalp

2. Your age

Ans: 17

3. Time zone

Ans: GMT +5:30

4. Average online per day

Ans: 6-8 hrs

5. Your Discord

Ans: ss0606

6. Your Nickname

Ans: Sanku Notorious

7. Your ID

Ans: 49627

Additional information

- 1. Leader of...

Ans: Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

- 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i) Leading an organization requires individuals to develop a decision making as quick as possible and problem solving and i have that capactiy and i want to give it to the Organization.

ii) I was in LSPD for 5-6 terms i have knowledge about how LSPD works, I was Ex-Sherrif also so i am capble of being Cheif of Police.

iii) I will always there for our units if they needed anything. I will try to make my organization the best orgnization and I will create a calm, peaceful and enjoyable environment within the LSPD and make the officers do good work.

- 3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

i)There will be promotion ceremoney on Sunday as i see lot of orgs doesnt do any kind of promotion ceremoney.

ii) I suggest we should need to change the HQ as it is to close to Ghetto and some of the new peoples alwyas come at go inside hq as they dont know much about rules.

iii) I will give bonuses day after promotion so many people will attend the situations and we will be the best orgnization.

James Volkov

Jul 7, 2024
1. Your name IRL

Ans. Sk Arsh
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
Gulf Standard Time (GMT+4)
4. Average online per day
5 to 6 hours daily
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
James DeSantis
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of...
Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

  • I want to build the organization to grow even better than it currently is.
    Arvind’s term was a great term with 2 good successes for LSPD. E.g. they grew up with many units in the organization at some time. However, I think there is still space for improvement. I have seen amazing things in LSPD but also noticed there are things missing. When I get leadership of LSPD I will make sure to recruit non-stop for skilled police officers. Of course, I won’t be able to do this on my own, therefore I will select people with good communication and training skills as my High Command. I will provide them with selection criteria and with a training that is made to learn on the job, as the job within LSPD is all about practical thinking and thinking in solutions rather than problems. I will select based on the qualities someone has.

  • I Wish to be specifically the next leader of LSPD as I have seen the great lengths that LSPD has evolved the past few terms and I wish to improve the progress that has been made. While I don’t completely agree with everything that has been done, I would like to build off the progress and transform LSPD into a respected and valued organization

  • Re-Education. I believe that the whole of LSPD needs a new training about common misconceptions of server rules and etiquette. I wish to talk with all the employees about how to properly act in the city and about what the rules allow and what they don’t. I also do not want my officers to fear rudimentary things like leaving the city or not helping in a gun fight in fear of failure. I accept that these do have some risk, but it is necessary to show the citizens of Los Santos that the LSPD is here to protect and serve them. I would also like to talk to my employees about correct procedure and stop people being so trigger happy
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  • I will fire rule breakers from the organization, to improve the RP level in organization rule breakers need to get fired.
  • I will make every officer use the radio professionally - when they are going to use it they will say their badge number and to the person they want to talk, they will say their badge number to for example "james what's your 10-20" I will make officers to make radio calls when they are chasing someone and keep updating of the suspects location, when they pulled over someone, when they finished processing someone, when they are going somewhere etc. I will do everything that is needed to make the organization look good.

    Thank you for your time for reading my application

    James DeSantis​


Rust Viper

May 10, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL: Himansh Agrawal
2. Your IRL age:18
3. Time zone: India (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 6-8
5. Your Discord: himansh0271
6. Your Nickname: Rust Viper
7. Your ID: 141230
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
  1. In my Rp life I have always had an interest in legal orgs and as I have progressed, i have gotten more experience in all legislative orgs like SAHP , LSPD and have been at a high Heading post in all of them which has made me very more and more passionate about legal orgs and as that passion has grown I want to do something bigger and that's the reason i want to be the leader of LSPD.

  2. I want to prevent all illegal activities in city. Our special forces called S.W.A.T will work harder and prevent illegal activities .Most important task of LSPD is conduct collect evidences from criminals and help FIB To Collect Evidences to Raid the Criminal Gangs.

  3. I'm dedicated to giving new comers a effective and good-quality training on time. To appreciate outstanding efforts, I want to introduce a bonus system. My idea is to give daily bonuses, making sure our team gets regular financial rewards to keep them motivated. I believe in consistently recognizing and rewarding hard work to make our workplace a motivating and appreciative space for everyone.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  1. Surprise test for each High Command member will help us identify those eligible for the rank.
  2. Promotion ceremony on every sunday.
  3. Keep the IA active so that they can maintain discipline in the org.
Best regards,
Rust Viper

Ex. Assistant chief of Police (ACP)
Ex. Chief of Staff(SAHP)

Jhony Grey

Sep 15, 2022
1. Your name IRL:Zsolt
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+02:00
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours
5. Your Discord: anonymusgamer
6. Your Nickname: Jhony Grey
7. Your ID: 64056
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I am interested in applying for the position of leader in the LSPD. I hold great admiration for the work that LSPD performs on the server. I have had the privilege of serving in the LSPD for five terms, each time holding a high-command position. Additionally, I have served as a deputy in one term. My experience extends to other organizations as well, having served as a deputy of NG three times, deputy of SAHP once, leader of FIB once, leader of NG once, and holding high command positions in nearly all of these organizations.

The LSPD is an organization where new members arriving in the city can gain a positive and fulfilling experience in a legal organization. When thinking about serving the state, the first organization that comes to mind is the LSPD. Every citizen and officer will be treated with respect. I will ensure that all new citizens are never ignored and that their problems are addressed promptly.

Finally, I would like to create an organization with no verbal warnings. My organization will be founded on the principles of respect and equal treatment for all, regardless of rank, experience, age, or any other factors. Everyone will be treated with the same level of respect and consideration.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

At its core, Police RP must be realistic, otherwise, it serves no purpose.

As the leader of the LSPD, I will ensure that there are no Non-RP officers within our ranks. The HRT team will operate with the efficiency and excellence of a top-tier organization. I will personally review and evaluate each member of the organization.

I would like to introduce an improved set of LSPD rankings and departments. These must remain both realistic and functional.

The Patrols Department is responsible for towing and ticketing illegally parked vehicles to prevent overcrowding in the city and to enforce penalties for parking violations.

The S.W.A.T Department is responsible for being the most experienced form of law enforcement in eliminating all types of crime, arresting the most wanted criminals in the city, and carrying out heavy operations against all forms of criminal activity.

The HRT Department is responsible for recruiting new officers and managing internal affairs. It combines the functions of the old FTO and IA Departments but is more modern and effective in ensuring that all officers are properly trained and there is no corruption within the Police Department.

The AS Department is responsible for ensuring that the helicopters provided by the PD are operated by highly skilled pilots from all state organizations and that they provide relevant information regarding any situation from the sky.

The Gang Intelligence Unit (GIU) is responsible for gathering information on all criminal organizations and maintaining an evidence roster. They work closely with the FIB during busts that require our assistance. These units must maintain a low profile.

The LSPD Ranking Structure shall follow this:

Chief Of Police
Deputy Chief
Assistant Chief
Chief of Staff
Commander (HOD)
Captain (DHOD)
District Attorney
Senior Lieutenant
Master Sergeant
Senior Sergeant
Sergeant III
Sergeant II
Sergeant I
Master Corporal
Senior Corporal
Corporal III
Corporal II
Corporal I
Senior Officer III
Senior Officer II
Senior Officer I
Patrol Officer III
Patrol Officer II
Patrol Officer I
Academic Student

Thanks For reading my application

Andreas Tat

Aug 8, 2023
1. Your Name IRL: Martin
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours
5. Your Discord: martin183
6. Your Nickname: Andreas Tat
7. Your ID: 61534

Additional information
1. Leader of LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. Because of my abilities and knowledge in the city, I hope to get to the position of leadership within the LSPD. I feel it's time to join the LSPD now that I've lived here for almost two years and am familiar with the area.

2. I'm really involved in the city and have wonderful friends. By giving the LSPD my all attention and energy, I hope to make it one of the greatest teams it has ever been.

3. My social abilities guarantee that I will attend every event with my team, and I have a wealth of knowledge and experience with the LSPD.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. We organise weekly meetings to hear our team members' opinions and value their regular input. These meetings build better collaboration and encourage ongoing development.

2. We think it's important to acknowledge the hard work of all of our employees, especially those in crucial divisions like IA and HR. We are putting in place a bonus system as a way to thank them for their hard work.

3. To add even more authenticity to our activities, we simulate real-life circumstances. In order to improve our team's efficacy in their responsibilities, we also train them on the fundamental rules of the city.

Thanks for reading my application
Best Regards
Andreas Tat :)

Sharma Daddy

Mar 27, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Akshaj Sharma
2. Your IRL age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-5 Hours
5. Your Discord: itsopzolo
6. Your Nickname: Sharma CantAim
7. Your ID: 87949

Additional information
1. Leader of...LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. I want to be the leader of this org so that i can get a experience as a leader as i have very good experience as HOD-3x In SAHP , COS-1x in LSPD & SAHP .

2. I was HC in every legel org so i know the issues that will be faced by my officer and i will try to help them overcome that issue.

3.I have good skills for handling legel orgs and expertise in such legel work .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. There will be a training system of FTO and HR also
2. I will observe them as how they do stuff give trainings
3. I will issue bonuses every end of week

Maarsh Walker

Feb 15, 2024

1. Your name IRL- Rushabh
2. Your IRL age- 17 ( IC: 27)
3. Time zone- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day- 2-4 Hours
5. Your Discord- marshwalker1.
6. Your Nickname- Maarsh Walker
7. Your ID- 135347

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have been working in the legal org for over 5 Terms and Have been in LSPD for 3 terms My past experiences are 28th Chief Commander of the SAHP, Chief of Staff and 28th Assistant Chief of Police in LSPD, 25th Brigadier General in the NG and 24th Head of the Undercover Department in the FIB. As of my experience in the legal org i have learned all the aspects of legal org and how it's system works from different sides(Orgs) and have identified certain flaws and aim to fix them.

Since being in Legal orgs i have been working with different kinds of people with different skill set and now i have many good people to work side by side with me to make the term successful, I want to lead the LSPD as it was first every org i had joined and i dreamt of being the leader of it as i was quite inspired by Levi the Chief of Police at that time as he controlled everything quite good and had everything under control.

During my tenure in LSPD i had worked on my full Efficiency and gained the experience needed for Leadership, Serving under different leaders helped me to see different perspectives and Thought and i saw them run the org in different manner ranging from Very Strictly to quite politely which helped me to understand how i will be able to run the org smoothly with proper Rp, LSPD is not just a org to attend Events but also to patrol around the city and reduce the Criminal activities and catch the wanted people.

3.Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

Host mock drills for training our Officer to handle different situation such as Convoy Training for Ghetto Patrol, Negotiation Training for Hostage situations and Aim practices in NG Arena.

Issue Strict punishments on individual who have broken serious rules if not will explain them about their Flaw in the situation.

Get the best Trainers out there to help new officers to get the best training possible so that they can have a wonderful experience in RP.

Distribute Bonuses on a Systematic manner so that all the Departmental officers get their bonuses on proper Time.

I will try and get the HR to hire as many newbie as possible and get many units for nightshift as it is the hardest to maintain.

Chain of Commands
30 Chief of Police
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Assistant Chief
27 Chief of Staff
26 District Attorney
25 Head of Department
24 Deputy Head of Department
23 Supervisor
22 Inspector
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 Commander
20 Lieutenant
19 Captain
18 Major
17 Human Resources
16 Internal Affairs
15 S.W.A.T
14 Detective
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal
7 Master Patrol Officer
6 Senior Patrol Officer
5 Patrol Officer
4 Rookie
3 Trainee
2 Leave of Absence (LOA)
1 Suspended

Current- DOJ US Attorney
Ex- Undersheriff
Ex- Assistant Chief of Police x2
Ex- Brigadier General
Ex- Hod of UC (FIB)
Ex- EN2 Administrator
Last edited:

Jester Western

Feb 21, 2024

1. Your name IRL- Prabir
2. Your IRL age- 17 ( IC: 15)
3. Time zone- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day- 3-5 Hours
5. Your Discord- _.prabir / prabir#2479
6. Your Nickname- Jester Walker
7. Your ID- 139678

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have over five terms of experience working in the legal organizations, and I have worked one term in LSPD. I have served as the 28th Chief Commander of the SAHP, the 24th Head Department of Internal Affairs LSPD, the Director of the Department of Corrections, and the First Person of State twice, serving as the Minister of State for the Department of Recreation and the United States Secret Services Director. My experience in the legal organization has taught me everything there is to know about the organization and how all legal organizations operate. I have also found certain weaknesses in the system and working to improve them.

Since joining legal organizations, I have worked with a wide range of people with different skill sets, and I now have a solid team to work with me to make the term successful. Because the LSPD was the first organization I joined. I had always wanted to lead LSPD because I was greatly inspired by Levi, the Chief of Police and Eren, the Deputy Chief of Police at the time, and Arvind, the Deputy, who recently completed his two terms serving the LSPD successfully. Everything was under control and the thirty days of their term were fantastic under the supervision of these people.

Serving in a variety of organizations gave me the opportunity to see a range of perspectives and modes of thought. I also saw how they managed their organizations, from highly formal to quite polite, which gave me insight into how I would be able to manage the organization effectively with the right way of Rp . LSPD is a organization that helps in reducing crime rate and make the city of Los Santos more Peaceful.

3.Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

Arrange well Trainers those who will help new folks best training possible which will help them know the working of this system and clarify their Doubts so that they can have a wonderful experience in RP will serving for the LSPD.

Correct Punishment will Applied on Officers who Break Organization Rules or Else make them realize Their Mistakes.

Distribute Bonuses in a Systematic Manner so That People Working For the Well Being of LSPD are Given Bonuses on Time.

Organize simulated exercises to teach our officers how to deal with various scenarios, including as aiming drills in NG Arena, negotiation training for hostage situations and convoy training for ghetto patrols.

Current :- Not Under Operation [Due to Latest Dismissal of the Acting Governor]
Ex- Minister of State

Ex- USSS Director
Ex- DOC Director
Ex- Chief Commander [SAHP]
Ex- HOD of IA [LSPD]

& Many More [These are my Highest and LSPD Experiences]

Decaso pluxury

Make it visible
Jun 1, 2024

1. Your name IRL- Rushabh
2. Your IRL age- 17 ( IC: 27)
3. Time zone- GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day- 2-4 Hours
5. Your Discord- marshwalker1.
6. Your Nickname- Maarsh Walker
7. Your ID- 135347

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I have been working in the legal org for over 5 Terms and Have been in LSPD for 3 terms My past experiences are 28th Chief Commander of the SAHP, Chief of Staff and 28th Assistant Chief of Police in LSPD, 25th Brigadier General in the NG and 24th Head of the Undercover Department in the FIB. As of my experience in the legal org i have learned all the aspects of legal org and how it's system works from different sides(Orgs) and have identified certain flaws and aim to fix them.

Since being in Legal orgs i have been working with different kinds of people with different skill set and now i have many good people to work side by side with me to make the term successful, I want to lead the LSPD as it was first every org i had joined and i dreamt of being the leader of it as i was quite inspired by Levi the Chief of Police at that time as he controlled everything quite good and had everything under control.

During my tenure in LSPD i had worked on my full Efficiency and gained the experience needed for Leadership, Serving under different leaders helped me to see different perspectives and Thought and i saw them run the org in different manner ranging from Very Strictly to quite politely which helped me to understand how i will be able to run the org smoothly with proper Rp, LSPD is not just a org to attend Events but also to patrol around the city and reduce the Criminal activities and catch the wanted people.

3.Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

Host mock drills for training our Officer to handle different situation such as Convoy Training for Ghetto Patrol, Negotiation Training for Hostage situations and Aim practices in NG Arena.

Issue Strict punishments on individual who have broken serious rules if not will explain them about their Flaw in the situation.

Get the best Trainers out there to help new officers to get the best training possible so that they can have a wonderful experience in RP.

Distribute Bonuses on a Systematic manner so that all the Departmental officers get their bonuses on proper Time.

I will try and get the HR to hire as many newbie as possible and get many units for nightshift as it is the hardest to maintain.

Chain of Commands
30 Chief of Police
29 Deputy Chief of Police
28 Assistant Chief
27 Chief of Staff
26 District Attorney
25 Head of Department
24 Deputy Head of Department
23 Supervisor
22 Inspector
I-----------------------------HIGH COMMAND-----------------------------I
21 Commander
20 Lieutenant
19 Captain
18 Major
17 Human Resources
16 Internal Affairs
15 S.W.A.T
14 Detective
13 Master Sergeant
12 Senior Sergeant
11 Sergeant
10 Master Corporal
9 Senior Corporal
8 Corporal
7 Master Patrol Officer
6 Senior Patrol Officer
5 Patrol Officer
4 Rookie
3 Trainee
2 Leave of Absence (LOA)
1 Suspended

Current- DOJ US Attorney
Ex- Undersheriff
Ex- Assistant Chief of Police x2
Ex- Brigadier General
Ex- Hod of UC (FIB)
Ex- EN2 Administrator

Arvind Western

Jan 26, 2024
Hello everyone,

This forum is designated for submitting applications for the leader of LSPD only. Please do not post any discussion, off-topic messages, vouching etc. Any off-topic or vouching posts will be subject to moderation and possible punishment.

Thank You.
Last edited:

Sam Williams

Apr 24, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Samarth Chavan
2. Your IRL age - 18
3. Time zone - +5:30 IST
4. Average online per day - 3-4 Hours
5. Your Discord - samarth007_official
6. Your Nickname - Sam Willaims
7. Your ID - 25538

Additional information

1. Leader of...Los Santos Police Department LSPD

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 -LSPD was my first org which i joined in city exactly 2.5 years ago. It is the org which shaped me today. As it was my first org i have a special attachment to it and coming back feels as homecoming

2.2- With my extensive experience of 24 terms in legal orgs i believe i can improve it a lot ... thus it gives me a moral responsibility to server to the org that shaped me

2.3- A chance to lead ... getting the leadership would be thrive in the aspect of leadership skills and management abilities it eventually help me in my upcoming life

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

3.1- Concept or liability and asset - according to my observation there are always a few officers which are liability (officer with less training, incomplete knowledge and unprofessional behaviour) . I have special technique to convert the liability to asset by carving their potential by specialized handcrafted training for every particular officer, due to which rules will not be broken and rp experience will be improved

3.2 - A training comprising legislature ...it has been observed that nearly all enforcement agencies do not include one of the most important aspect of working as Enforcement officer that is learning / understanding the important areas of legislature....i will include necessary parts of legislature into training in order to improve the overall abilities of any officer

3.3- Creating and refining SOPs - I will update and refine the SOPs as old and inefficient sops was the major problem in LSPD . A new post will be created which will given the task of refining and assisting officer with the same. Good SOPs will make the rp experience more better. I will also make new bonus System which will encourage officers

3.4--Independent HR department - a HR department is the breath of any org though in the past terms it has been observed that it was not independent and this showed discrimination and favoritism. I will make a independent hr department which will directly report to me having specialized powers. Hr dept will handle internal problems, Complaint with motive to make dept a better place and hence due independent existence it will remove discrimination which will lead to justice hence officer will enjoy the rp experience

Ati Akhil

Apr 25, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Ati Akhil
2. Your IRL age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30
4. Average online per day: 6-7 hrs
5. Your Discord: akhil.16
6. Your Nickname: Ethan Hunt
7. Your ID: 6777
Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2.1 - I have been in legal organizations and have a good amount of experience by now. I would like to step forward and take leadership of LSPD, where it leads my confidence and knowledge to increase the roleplay between crime and legal.

2.2 - I am close to one of my family members who is in an illegal org and from him I got to know that the crime in city has increased a lot. Innocent people are being robbed and looted. I don’t want my city to be in a such situation. It should be a place where law and order should come first and help the citizens. That is when I have decided to take a leadership position and use my experience to do my best in cleaning the city and making it crime free to the maximum extent possible.

2.3 - I have many good relations in the city and I can get the best and experienced officers on the ground. This will make sure the organization is operating at its best and at the same time less crime in the city.

3.Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

3.1 - If I am the leader of the organization, I will make sure to have the most experienced people in the training department. Because, I have noticed many new people in the city get excited to join the department, they do not get proper training and commit many mistakes. This will defame the organization and also spoil the roleplay in the city.

3.2 - I will make sure to have a very stringent strike system in place and also that my high command officers are strictly following it without any excuse. This is not to be rude but it will make sure that everyone is following the city and department rules and are not committing any mistakes.

3.3 - I will regularly connect with my officers including the low rank officers and make sure that they have any issues. This is because often some of the experienced players do not care about the rules and take their own decisions and penalize the juniors. I will not allow that to happen in my leadership. Everyone single person has to follow the rules, chain of command, do proper roleplay in the org and are treated equally.
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Salmon Mafia

Jul 14, 2024
Your name IRL: Karan Robidas
2. Your IRL age: 21
3. Time zone :GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day : 3hours
5. Your Discord: assasinsalmon
6. Your Nickname: Assasin Salmon
7. Your ID: 140132
Additional information
1. Leader of : LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Ans• I want to be the leader of this specific organization because I have a passion for law enforcement, a strong desire to make a difference in the community, and I possess the necessary leadership skills and experience to guide the LSPD effectively.

1. Passion for Law Enforcement, I have a genuine interest in upholding the law and ensuring the safety of the citizens in Los Santos. Being a leader in LSPD allows me to directly influence and improve public safety measures, ensuring a safer community for everyone.

2. Desire to Make a Difference, I want to make a significant impact on the community by implementing policies and strategies that reduce crime and promote justice. As a leader, I have the authority to introduce innovative ideas and reforms that can transform the LSPD into a more effective and community-focused organization.

3. Leadership Skills and Experience, I possess strong leadership qualities and previous experience in managing teams or projects. Leading the LSPD would allow me to utilize my skills in strategic planning, decision-making, and team management to drive the department towards achieving its goals and maintaining high standards of professionalism and integrity.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

ANS• To enhance roleplay in an LSPD organization, it's essential to develop your character's backstory, personality, and motivations, and consistently stay in character during scenarios. Effective communication, active listening, and collaboration with fellow officers and departments are also crucial. Participating in organized events and activities can help create engaging experiences. Providing constructive feedback and leading by example are also important for improving the organization and roleplay. By following these tips and being committed to improving, you can help create a more immersive and realistic roleplay experience for everyone involved.

Assassin Salmon

Jun 14, 2024
Your Name IRL : Karan Robidas
2. Your IRL age : 21
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day : 5hours
5. Your Discord: assasinsalmon
6. Your Nickname: Salmon Mafiya
7. Your ID:140132
Additional information
1. Leader of: LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Ans• I want to lead the LSPD in Grand RP because I'm passionate about creating a realistic and engaging law enforcement experience. I want to help officers develop their characters and stories, and make the LSPD a fun and inclusive community. I believe that with creative storytelling, collaboration, and a commitment to excellence, we can make the LSPD a leader in Grand RP and a place where everyone can thrive.

Reason 1.
As a leader, I would have the opportunity to shape the organization's storyline and create a compelling narrative that draws members in and keeps them engaged. This includes developing rich characters, intricate plots, and unexpected twists that challenge and inspire our roleplayers. By crafting a captivating story, I believe we can create a truly immersive experience that leaves a lasting impact on our members.

Reason 2: Empower and Develop Members
Leadership allows me to empower and develop our members, helping them to grow and thrive within the organization. I would focus on identifying and nurturing each member's unique strengths and talents, providing guidance and mentorship to help them achieve their full potential. By investing in our members' growth and success, I believe we can build a strong, cohesive team that is capable of achieving greatness.

Reason 3: Set a New Standard for Realism and Excellence
As a leader, I would strive to set a new standard for realism and excellence within the Grand RP community. This includes pushing the boundaries of what is possible in roleplay, innovating new techniques and strategies, and relentlessly pursuing excellence in every aspect of our operations. By raising the bar and consistently delivering high-quality experiences, I believe we can earn the respect and admiration of our peers and establish ourselves as a premier LSPD organization in Grand RP.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Ans•To improve RolePlay (RP) level in an organization, it's essential to stay in character and maintain your character's persona, even in mundane situations. Developing your character's backstory, personality, and motivations will also help you create a more realistic and engaging experience. Immerse yourself in the environment, interact with other players, and collaborate with others to create compelling scenarios and stories. Effective communication is also crucial, so be sure to use clear and concise language and listen actively.
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