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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
BigDom West
Administrators nickname
Avi Pluxury
Nov 22, 2021


Oct 4, 2021

I am going to go through every point so please read carefully, there is points which I will admit I went wrong and I will admit to every mistake which I have made.

Starting off with the response to the first POV lasting 3:01 minutes.

Rule 3.1

This is to do with general rule 3.1, this person was showing me complete disrespect and I also was giving it back. I watched through the video multiple times and I thought nothing OOC speaking had been said however, I do admit to the mistake where in the video and I quote "OOC speaking I would put you in the ground", yes this was said as he was constantly typing disrespect towards me and it got to me however, I put my hands up to this where I shouldn't of said this and I did, so for this rule I take full responsibility. I am sorry that this got to me I shouldn't of done it and would like to personally say sorry to ID:60950 if I am able to contact him.

Mute 180 minutes or ban up to 7 days. (I accept full responsibility for the mute or how many days the ban you intend to provide me with, and again I am sorry for this.)

Rule 3.2

I have never mentioned parents to this person and I also make sure not to do this in a personal regard. I have never and I quote said anything relating to family members and for reference I just call people clowns and might swear at them. I do not understand where I have broken this rule. I would request for this to be taken in to account as to be removed from my ban, I would and haven't said anything in regards to a family member and treated everything IC except for where I quoted above in rule 3.1 where I said something about him OOC which again I take full responsibility for and express my apologies THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN.

Mute 180 minutes or ban up to 7 days.(I have no idea where this has been mentioned after watching and going over both POV please remove this?)

Rule 6.4

I would like to clarify in this situation to which I have placed an illegal firearm in to ID:60950 inventory. I had done this whilst doing /do smash bodycam I thought this would allow me to play the side of a bad cop to which he couldn't respond or upload POV to this. However, since this situation has been discussed between me and a friend I have been told I needed a corrupt biography. I thought this was for selling illegal firearms/drugs but I am indeed wrong and for this I take full responsibility for this as I should of known the rules better and it is a players fault for not reading over the full rules and knowing them to there best knowledge.

WARN (For this I am extremely sorry and agree to take the punishment that comes a long with this..)

Rule 6.10

I am completely astonished this has even been mentioned. I did not want to even get in to this but seems like I am going to have too, I don't feel comfortable people knowing what I do in my private time but I will explain.

Quoting below what ID:60950 has said.

"Also, for a little more context, He DMed my IC-wife in the E-mail, "I'm gonna come arrest your mans" because he had some old dispute with her.
So it was indeed pre-planned by him."

Extra Context E-Mail Screenshots down below:

Here are 2 screenshots of my private conversations with my "girlfriend" which is meant to be our private and OOC life.
1. Shows my discord profile.(Not bothered about this)
2. Shows personal messages between me and my girlfriend which she has sent across to him, bearing in mind we have had a falling out 2 days ago because of this "IC" situation she has which I will explain below in full.

I will also be providing screenshots.
This first picture was sent to my girl on 11/16/2021 which is me in my first FIB Uniform! Had to show my girl because I was excited to see what is to come.
I then sent her a message which proceeds to say "Im coming for u babe" with a laughing face. And as we are in constant discord calls for 6+ hours each day we talk about everything and anything. (Bearing in mind that we have been speaking for near enough a month and talk every day.)
After this message "Im coming for u babe" with a laughing face was sent I jokingly sent her saying "im coming for ur mans".
I actually cannot even fathom how this sent on 11/17/2021 has been reciprocated in to being a forum post 4 days later if you actually think I cared that much to come arrest some "ic" husband when im talking to my girl in a personal level is completely ridiculous.

As you can see in the screenshot below we even talk after this and to think even for a second we sit there speaking about me trying to purposely catch her man "ic" is to me taken as a complete insult do you actually think I care that much to go out and arrest someone because he is married to her in the game. I talk to her on a real level and know this girl personally. However, we had fallen out recently and I had blocked her these past 2 days due to on going issues and to be honest I cannot even believe she has gone out her way to do this to me and think that this whole situation has been based on this message. I do not want to keep going on to this as its feels so personal that I have to release information on a forum post about this.

Here is an image above to show what we are like in discord even though I do not like to release personal information, it has to be done because I cannot be given any punishment for this as I did not move any IC situation to OOC.

The run down of this whole situation has started as me and agent John were patrolling the beach, as it is martial law we have the right to check people identity and to search them, to make sure there is nothing illegal on them for the safety of myself, them and others.

We came across ID:60950 and ID:76184 I had approached both and I asked ID:76184 for some identification they did not respond and after several attempts asking, ID:76184 ran off I had told person to stop did not listen to I had tasered them, and proceeded to place them in handcuffs. Person then started to complain about how they did nothing wrong and I was telling them about marshal law etc, this is when ID:60950 thought it was a good idea to start hitting me and did so to half health this is when my other agent arrested them for an obvious attempt of a murder of LEO.

Then the rest of the Pov's provided by ID:60950 is where we get to the prison and I have been reported for numerous things.
I will and never in my mind went out to even try to get this person from a discord message.

This is completely ridiculous and I am actually quite said that the person that told me she loved me and had feelings for would feel obliged to give someone a screenshot of something said 4 days prior because we are currently not on good terms because I had blocked her.

"Also, for a little more context, He DMed my IC-wife in the E-mail, "I'm gonna come arrest your mans" because he had some old dispute with her.
So it was indeed pre-planned by him."

This is my girl OOC, to think this is even some old dispute is completely out of the air. To think this was pre-planned is completely insane and I have no idea where or why he has thought this.

As you can see in a tiny preview of the image above this is merely a spec of what we talk about as its competely private and confidential dont ever get it confused for IC we're OOC.

Ban 1-7 days(I do not take any responsibility for this and should be removed from my ban I never and did never purposely go out to find someone to arrest, this is a complete fabrication and I am extremely annoyed writing against this '6.10' rule, but I sincerely hope you find justification for this rule as it was not broken...!)

Anything said between me and my girl is personal and to think i would do anything like this is just not on. I hate that I have had to provide evidence against this but I have to justify what is right.

Deceiving admins.

Let me get this straight, I have and will never go out my way to purposely "deceive" any admin I have complete respect and hold my regards for what they do for my role play and help make it a positive experience. My interactions with admins has always been great whether OOC or IC and my respect stands high for them especially when they have helped me solve many cases and problems with my IC game play to help give me that personal and better RP experience.

So the matter of fact is this person has called a god, to which he has arrived once I am processing my prisoner (This was while I was getting the jumpsuit) He had politely asked me if i had put an ak in his inventory to which I was thinking well yes of course I have but why would I say yes because it would ruin the role play and I couldn't continue on with my situation, at the time I didn't think much of it at all as I had smashed his body cam and thought this would go against rules and would ruin my RP.

After speaking to a good friend, I have been told that no matter what RP is going on when an admin comes down with his red name tag all RP stops, well clearly this is where I have gone wrong as I was trying to continue with my RP and not have the situation to stop to whatever had become. To be frank I didn't think I was doing anything wrong but after what I know now, I am so sorry for what has happened it is genuinely my fault for not understanding what I have should of done there but it is clear that I should of said yes and bearing in mind I would of had no problem saying yes but thought it would ruin RP as he would request POV but I smashed the body cam etc so I thought this would all be allowed. My problem is getting confused between the situations of it being IC and when smashing body cam it can still be a problem OOC.

I want to personally say I had not gone out my way or intentionally tried to deceive an admin but was going a long with my role play, yes I am new and I have tried to read over rules multiple times and to follow guidelines. I do admit this is completely my mistake and put my hands up immediately and I am personally sorry that if this has come across in a way I did not want AT ALL.

I have always tried my best for situations like this and hold my regards high for the admins making me have a fun and great experience in this server. This is my first time playing GTA RP and the experience has been so great the amount of interaction and friends you make a long the way is pretty incredible.

Again, I am deeply sorry for this and will never ever happen again my personal regards to the admin (I forgot his name) and to anyone else that felt like I had purposely gone out my way to 'deceive them'.

To conclude my post, I am asking not to be un-banned but for some of the rules I was punished for to be looked upon and removed. I take full responsibility for the rules I have broken and I can say this wont happen again and I am genuinely sorry for breaking them I understand what I have done wrong and will take the responsibility as a man.

(Deceiving admins)
I am not sure and cannot find the rule for the punishment of this but I am deeply sorry it has come across this way and never ever intended for it too, I just ask to please review and take in to account what has been said when dealing with this.

RULE 3.1
Mute 180 minutes or ban up to 7 days. (I accept full responsibility for the mute or how many days the ban you intend to provide me with, and again I am sorry for this.)

RULE 3.2
Mute 180 minutes or ban up to 7 days.(I have no idea where this has been mentioned after watching and going over both POV please remove this?)

RULE 6.4

WARN (For this I am extremely sorry and agree to take the punishment that comes a long with this..)

RULE 6.10

Ban 1-7 days(I do not take any responsibility for this and should be removed from my ban I never and did never purposely go out to find someone to arrest, this is a complete fabrication and I am extremely annoyed writing against this '6.10' rule, but I sincerely hope you find justification for this rule as it was not broken...!)
Anything said between me and my girl is personal and to think I would do anything like this is just not on. I hate that I have had to provide evidence against this but I have to justify what is right.

RULE - Not Known
(Deceiving admins)
I am not sure and cannot find the rule for the punishment of this but I am deeply sorry it has come across this way and never ever intended for it too, I just ask to please review and take in to account what has been said when dealing with this.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read all of this and I am so sorry for the rules I have broken and will take the punishment I got for those accordingly. For the rules which I believe I shouldn't of been punished for spoken above please review and I hope the outcome is treated accordingly.

Again, sorry and thanks for also making my time in GRP a great experience I do appreciate all the time and effort the admins put in to this.

I am asking for a review of my '60 day' ban.

Kind regards,
BigDom West
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