1. Već 3 dana imam grešku da ne čujem nikoga u igri u sekundi 58 u tvom videu, rekao sam ti to, prije bih pitao da li si u redu kada govorim engleski.
2. Pisali ste na engleskom sa mnom u RP Chat-u i rekli mi cijenu pribora, a onda sam od vas kupio 10 paketića pa ste pristali razgovarati sa mnom na engleskom i čak sam se pozdravio na hrvatskom.
1. I have a bug since 3 days now that I cannot hear anyone in the game at second 58 in your video i told you that, I would have asked before if you are okay with when i speak english.
2. You wrote in English with me in the RP Chat and told me the price of a medkit then I bought 10 medkits from you so you agreed to speak with me in English and i even said goodbye in Croatian.