Firstly I’d like to say that the only one truly disrespecting anyone is you as you clearly stated over and over and over again that you had a mental disability and what I meant by what I said was if you show me proof in my dms that you did actually have a mental issue that I would apologize I didn’t call you sense I asked if you are dense there is a distinct difference I find that you are more mad at the fact that I busted you red handed breaking server rules which usually lead to a direct warn instead it was a measly demorg now if I offended you in anyway for asking for the proof that you have a mental issue then I’m sorry but I’m not sorry for asking a question you took offense to a question that’s on you it isn’t on me you and your buddy broke obvious rules while I was standing there so it warranted the question being asked I didn’t say “you are dense” or anything close to a statement I simply asked a question in which you tried to get more out of then what was truly there once again my apologies for asking you to provide me proof of the mental disorder as. I didn’t state that if you did so I would apologize for asking the question I should have put that into my statement but really come on you clearly told me clear as day that “my friend does have a disorder it’s sitting on his desk” numerous times That’s why I asked for such proof as you clearly wanted to make it apparent then as you were muted you proceeded to flip me off which if I’m not mistaken is admin disrespect punishable by a blocking off the account yet i think I was relatively laid back toward the entire situation..
Inconclusion: “are you dense”= not a insult but a question
Shooting into gang hq=warn
Flipping off admin =admin disrespect
Apologies for asking for such medical history though I was trying to see if I actually asked a mentally disabled person a question in which could have been offensive to him so that I could apologize or if I was being lied to
ps. you made the statement “ I have a mental disability” your friend confirmed at this point you supposedly relinquished that information to me verbally therefore that part of the complaint should be null and void