I am only replying because I was the first person to shoot "ChillinYo" as I call out in the audio "53!, 53!" at the 5:21 mark in the video. Just want add my 2 cents for a few comments made in this thread so far. And I will try to be unbiased.
Chillinyo: "They didn't see me, nor know I was there so they split push me?"
This concern is resolved after watching the POV provided above. - Please watch the full video provided where we discuss clearing all the areas so we don't need to waste time finding campers after the 0:00 mark.
Chillinyo: "kinda odd to be clearing out areas like this IMO"
This concern is resolved after watching the POV provided above. Its not odd, we deal with 1 person campers hiding in a corner all the time so we go to each area of the map to make sure no one is there before the 0:00 timer to save time.
Chillinyo: "And he still manages to hit every bullet with me speedboosting or not."
This concern is resolved after watching the POV provided above. I, Salvatore Goodman( ID 357) shot you once, and ID 32 shot you once. So it was only one bullet each, your speedboosting is irrelevant and the usage of the words "every bullet" is irrelevant.
Chillinyo: "Yeh man, let me just call a split push in a 1v3 situation despite not knowing where the guy is. 200 IQ man, are you roll safe? your idiotic comments resemble him."
This concern is resolved after watching the POV provided above. Irrelevant/immature comment to call someones comments idiotic. Further, we dont know what a split push is. we were also shooting eachother after we killed you for context of our skill level - which you are choosing to ignore. (and after i made a comment saying "expect 3-4 people because thats how many there were at a previous event").
Chillinyo: "Still not his POV but.. 04:47

" He manages to watch the entire video and points out a bad sarcastic joke over a separate issue that was already resolved. Further, he fails to catch the sarcasm and the fact that i said "that is not something to joke about" a second after the bad joke was said.
Concern resolved.
Chillinyo: "Still waiting for POV". At this point, he is still waiting for POV but all of his concerns where he requested POV have been satisfied.
At this point, all of his concerns over "cheats" have been satisfied which makes his initial concerns inadequate. In addition to this, the complaint also contains insults "200 IQ man, are you roll safe? your idiotic comments resemble him." Which gives administration the right to refuse the complaint/further POV.
The administrator has the right to refuse to consider the complaint if:
-The complaint contains insults, impertinence or inadequacy;
Thank you.
My POV showing I hit him once: