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- Aug 30, 2021
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- 28
Now what I am upset about is We the national guard were not given the chance to clear our name in this situation. You have given us a warning unfairly. My officers and myself have trained my men well to not RDM in the city, provide proper steps to perform RP before opening fire on them. The POV that is given here shows that this person approached the checkpoint minutes, not even hours, literally within 2 mins, he stopped to start a POV, open his trunk then willingly coming back to the checkpoint, knowing he would be shot down for failure to comply and cop baiting. No one drives with their trunk open without knowing they are going to abuse the bug of not being able to be shot when the trunk is open. Not only is it bug abuse, its also Powergaming, Copbaiting and willingly trying to accuse the NG of misconduct. I would like this warning removed from the NG. The POV provided shows he approached this checkpoint before his timestamp, heard the warnings of my Officers at least 2 NG members one dead next to him telling him to stop and another with some distance also telling him to stop and he drove away after being shot at for failure to comply. He did not need to return to the checkpoint after willingly not complying to this order, but he decided to return and pretend that we were RDMing in the city, this is highly unacceptable, he should recieve punishment for this for falsely trying to report us for RDM. Also from the thread, this was suppose to be reviewed by our national guard curator. Not Editaa Delacruz who I believe owes an apology which warranted towards the National Guard and the removal of this warning.
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