Was trying to rob ID 43023 as he stalls for his friend ID 27457 to help him. As took shoots from down the block we took 1 shoot back then went to point the gun back to the man we was robbing but he pulled out a gun and started to fight us back. In the middle of the gun fight one of our guys went down and as you can see ID 43023 instantly picks the gun off the ground while being shoot at. as we kill him we was going to start robbing him again but his friend ID 27457 finish him from a far get back in his car and drive way. 6.6 Forbidden to heal and loot in the gunfight. | Jail 60 min 6.13 It is restricted to kill person who is unconscious to help him to avoid RP situation(Mercy killing). | Demorgan 120 min or WARN