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Apollo Hermes

Apollo H.
Dec 4, 2021
Name: Xavier Clark
Age: 25
Time zone: GMT
Region: EU ( Uk to be specific)
IC ID: 90819
In game time: 9-10 hours a day
Discord ID: Killz_.#6178

Why I want to be an Admin Assistant: Why I'm trying to be an admin assistant is to be helpful towards the community and help ease the load of the admins. I have played multiple roleplay servers so I understand a lot of the rules and i understand all the regulations to a degree. As you can see from my ID my account isn't the oldest but I have a lot of experience during IC roleplay games.

Why I should be picked as admin assistant: I think i should be picked as a Admin assistant is I will work very hard for the Server and do as much as possible to work my way through the ranks up to Admin.

Am I willing to drop my IC life to be an admin: 100% i will happily drop my current job for position if it ever becomes available

Am I willing to sell my business for an Admin assistant position: gladly I don't have a business currently but if the position becomes available while i am in possession of one I will happily sell it as soon as i can
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