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brandon williams

Jul 17, 2021

Family Owner: Raul Genoveese ID: 43066
Family House Number: 221
Family Owner Forum Profile Link: brandon williams
Family Owner Discord: Fullsend21#1393

Background story:

Raul Genoveese was born in East Harlem, New York, to Giovanni Genoveese and Angela Genoveese. His father and mother both worked most of the time when he was young, his father a Boss of the Genoveese Family and his mother who eventually became a Beauty Salon owner. Raul learned it all growing up alongside some of the best and brightest trained Mafia members. Raul learned from the best street boss that the Genoveese Family had. He taught the new recruitments the importance of loyalty and qualified members from shooting to moving narcotics. His father taught him the importance of having a diversified income and money stream. He heard that the City of Los Santos was becoming well-known in the capital, and with his family's approval, he took the money his parents gave him and headed to the city. He knew that he couldn't make it to the town without a connection, so Raul went to his father to contact a family he joined with his best friend, Guillermo Chapo. A few months into the family, they were so financially stable that they no longer needed to be under the reins over another family and took their leave and bought a home in Vinewood Hills. Raul and Chapo understood the criminal underworld due to their parents and grandparents; with many deaths and losses, they didn't want the life for their new and upcoming family. They formed their business plan to open up their own business and become the best in the city. They start meeting up every week, meeting with different contacts that they each had to get the supplies they needed to build their family foundation for the Ice Cartel. Every week they were out recruiting and networking in the city, gaining recruits from legal organizations, gangs, and civilians to make the family as diverse as possible to succeed in the city.

How We Operate:

We have a diverse group of family members who work in legal organizations and gangs and participate in part-time civilian jobs like farming, electrician, trucking, etc. During the day, we are active people in the production and sale of fruits and vegetables. By night we have people in the family that go throughout the city using the Darknet of stealing cars or buying and selling items on the black market. The goal is to purchase a family business such as Cowshed or plantation.

Rules of The Ice Cartel
  1. No racism, sexism, or bullying will be tolerated.
  2. Respect every member equally no matter their rank or position in the family
  3. City rules are to be followed, learn them and obey them
  4. Family members must hold together and protect each other.
  5. Don’t get into trouble with other families unless the situation deems worthy of fighting.
  6. Must wear family attire during family events.
  7. Be Truthful. Dishonesty is to be avoided at all times.

Our Main Goals:

Long Term:

  1. Become well known and have a network of alliances in the city.
  2. To be noticed as one of the most active and high ranking families in Los Santos
  3. To have members of our family in high positions in legal organizations to have a well understanding of the rules of each organization within the city.
Short Term:
  1. Recruit at least 10 trusted and experienced members to create the foundations of The Ice Cartel and make a mark within the city every week.
  2. To increase our finances to obtain businesses such as a cowshed or plantation to operate within the family
  3. To have a well-stable family of 100 members with at least 20 active members throughout the day to increase presence within the city.
Our Motto:

“They say blood is thicker than water, but we say ice can be more solid than blood, when times get cold we stay solid”

Family Outfit:

Ranks 1-5:
Family outfit | Basic white hoodie, Black Pants, and Helmet with spikes with a card on the side.

Rank 6-10: Family outfit | White Grand RP hoodie with black lightning, Black Pants, and Helmet with spikes with card on the side

Ranking System​

Rank 1: Associates He/She is a newcomer to the family he/she is still learning the rules of the family and to be asked to perform certain tasks to prove they are worthy.
Rank 2: Picciotto He/She is a low-ranking member who serves as the enforcer of the family, who has been in the family for two weeks. They will be asked to carry out menial tasks by higher ranks to assist the Ice Cartel. They are not yet officially part of the family but carry out tasks on their behalf.
Rank 3: Soldato He/She made members of the family who serve primarily as foot soldiers he/she make sure the ranks below him understand the rules of the family and gain loyalty to the family and others. They will carry out more advanced and sensitive tasks than an associate would be able to.
Rank 4: Specialist He/She has been in the family for over two months and has proven themselves to be loyal to the family and others and has shown their ability to protect the family and higher ranks. They show a glimpse of leadership and keep Soldatos in line with the Ice Cartel morals.
Rank 5: Captain He/She has shown to the family he is loyal, reliable, and trustworthy they have a good relationship with the leaders of the family. They are the first low command position within the family and have the responsibility of making small decisions during the day running the Ice Cartel Family and points ranks lower than in the right direction.
Rank 6: Conseiller He/She second low command, he is respected by all lower ranks and is responsible for the day-to-day running of Operations to allow the high commands to focus on the future of The Ice Cartel.
Rank 7: Consigliere He/She reports to the Boss directly and or the underboss he creates ties and makes sure tasks are done while also being a mediator of disputes within the family.
Rank 8: Underboss He/She is trusted within the family who is in charge of assisting higher ranks in events and or other family-related tasks when needed. He/she may be called upon to be the spokesperson if a rank higher than him/her is not around.
Rank 9: Street Boss He/She is the spokesperson of the boss, this person has been appointed by the boss himself, they have the trust and loyalty to the boss. He/she is in charge of all the capos by handling the day-to-day affairs of the family and settling disputes that do not need to be escalated to the boss.
Rank 10: Boss He makes all major decisions, designated duties between ranks, and holds maximum power and responsibility for the businesses.
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Itachi God

May 9, 2021

I accept your unofficial ORG bio thank you for applying,
enjoy and don't break any server rules, and don't go against the server scripts.
you will be given unofficial status within 24 hours in-game and discord|
and recruit more active people to the family will be checking in a week
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