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Nov 20, 2021

Family Name: The Boss

Family Founder:ward boss | 56682
Family House Number:244
Family Owner Forum profile link:
Family Owner Discord:joker331#9718

Background story:
ward boss, Mustafa zodiac, wala karaja launched The Boss about the same time as the financial crisis of 2008. The three founding figures are ward boss, Mustafa zodiac, and wala karaja, we met as three freinds having a big dreams to make money and contrel the streets but found out we cant do these alone we need more power that mean more people so we decied to make this family to grow up as a family to make more money and power thats our story in genral .

How We Operate:
We work together as a team. We have a good number of employees that provide us with consistent revenue on a daily basis, and if anything goes wrong, we will get back on our feet and reclaim what is properly ours.

Our Goals as a Family:

1. Raise a large sum of money to help the group grow.
2.Take control of the streets
3.Oversight of all types of enterprises

Our family's colors are black and blue.
Our Motto: Coming together is the first step, staying together is the next step, and working together is the final step.

Rank 1: Soldier - This is the first rank that will be a pointed to you when you join the family and this rank will be used to show how loyal and how much respect you have for The Family.

Rank 2: Captain - After showing your respect you will be appointed this rank and will be an official The Boss member.

Rank 3: Captain 2 - This rank is high captain of the family and this rank is appointed for knowing basic things about the family/gang.

Rank 4: Warrior - This rank is appointed to the most Elite of the family, they are reliable at events, know everything about the family and taking command when needed.

Rank 5: Sergeant - The Sergeant rank is basically the Family Organiser. They provide great leadership skills, carry out good business skills and also have great knowledge of the Family Business.

Rank 6: Commander - You acquire this rank by showing that you are trustworthy, reliable, loyal and know everything about the Family. Only given by the Founders of the Family. The Trusted rank is the manager of the family.

Rank 7: Colonel - Given to the most powerfull member of the family.

Rank 8: Commodore - The Left Hand of the owner of the family.

Rank 9: General - He is the right hand of the owner of the family.

Reactions:Mustafa zodiac and Wala karaja

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Upload a Picture of the Family Outfit
Fix the title according to the rules of filling a biography, it should be

Name of the Family | Unofficial Org biography
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